Jeff Snider: What FRONTLINE got SO wrong about the Fed, LIVE!

FRONTLINE, the American news magazine, is critiquing the Federal Reserve for showering big banks, big business and Wall Street with easy money. Money that has neither reached the real economy nor the vast majority of Americans. Yes to the latter, no no no no no to the former.



31:00 “We take financial media’s words in their face but if their words are simply based on calling up the Fed ( or market makers) and asking what they did [without checking on their veracity…this is problematic for the average person who relies on such journalism to understand what’s going in the market].” Given Jeff’s sentiments, I was rather disappointed he had allowed Isabella Kaminsky exaggerate to Putin’s assertions regarding Ukraine in your latest interview a few days ago. That said, I appreciate you both going over the FrontLine docuseries on Money and the Fed…I have watched all of them (some twice)
You guys look into RICHARD WIENER’S work on JAPAN. SAMURAI SUN.

Bankruptcy Are Coming, Signs All Around

I witnessed first hand the closing of two company’s. Both suffered from large debt and too little revenue. The similarities are eerily familiar. Business defaults and bankruptcies are on the rise.


The Spread of Disinformation and the 2020 Election | Amanpour and Company | Amanpour and Company

President Trump has personally pledged to spend one billion dollars if it will keep him in the White House. McKay Coppins, a journalist for The Atlantic, has identified how a substantial amount of this funding is being spent. After creating a Facebook page so he could follow pro-Trump social media accounts and communicate with online Trump supporters, Coppins uncovered something remarkable: a campaign-coordinated effort to undermine journalists and the mainstream press on a mass scale. Coppins told Hari Sreenivasan about the Trump campaign’s stunning effort to launch one of the largest disinformation campaigns ever conducted.