Dennis Prager Thinks The Nazis Had Some Good Points, Actually

Dennis Prager doesn’t think the Nazi slogan, the 3 Ks is bad. The German slogan describes that a woman’s place should be limited to the children, kitchen, and church. The Majority Report crew discusses how they are not surprised by Prager’s view aligning with fascists. The MR crew talks about how Prager and those on the Right like him do not want women involved in politics and the hierarchy Nazis wanted to maintain.

What are your thoughts on Florida governor Ron DeSantis signing a bill requiring Florida students and professors to register their political views with the state?

What will undoubtedly happen now is that Florida will lose billions of dollars as students will go to other states to attend college and businesses and research companies will locate elsewhere. Isn’t that fun? Equally amusing: cruise lines cannot ask whether someone is vaccinated before boarding, but schools can ask students what political party they support. Dystopia squared.

To conclude: when you’re punishing educational institutions for failing to produce drones that dutifully parrot your bankrupt ideology, what you are is a Nazi. Your mom must be so proud you went to Harvard and Yale. Ron DeSantis – Wikipedia

I see a lot of Florida college students and/or educators lawsuits coming to sue DeSantis for violating their privacy. Since it’s entirely unconstitutional…