When Donald Met Vladimir: The Transcript

Guidance from a like-minded leader.

.. But when you of all people criticize the pipeline, you force Berlin to support it is as a matter of national pride and principle!

This is the essence of tradecraft: to convince those whom you seek to manipulate that they are thinking and acting for themselves.

.. May we also say how much we admire how you have discredited the F.B.I. and the rest of your so-called deep state? To rally your supporters and confound your opponents by conjuring imaginary enemies is a method we have profitably employed for over a century, most recently in Ukraine.

.. Donald, we have the same goals. We want to defend the great Christian civilization of your Scottish and German ancestors against barbarians from the southlands. Yet we are being stabbed, stabbed in the back, by the exact same people! I mean global capitalists like George Soros and Bill Browder and he-women like Hillary and Merkel and feminized men like Barack Obama who have no will to fight!

We must turn to face these backstabbers, Donald, not let the deep state manipulate us into fighting each other.