Rafael Cruz Preaching Dominion Theology About Transfer Of The Wealth Of The Wicked

Appearance by Rafael Cruz, August 26, 2012, at the New Beginnings Church of Larry Huch, in Irving, Texas. Dominion Theology starts with a scripturally incorrect premise, Postmillennialism, and then makes a drastic left hand turn into full-on heresy by attempting to create a theocracy in America. Thrown into this mongrel mess is the hellish teaching that there will be an ‘end times transfer of wealth’ from the wicked to the ‘righteous’. In short, it’s a big, fat pile of misapplied Bible doctrine wrongly divided, and completely out of it’s proper dispensation and context. READ MORE:https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/a-bible-believer-looks-at-the-christian-cult-of-dominion-theology/