
What is Wocker?

Wocker is a local WordPress development environment. Since it’s based on Docker, it takes just 3 seconds to create every new installation of WordPress.

Get Started

1. Install Vagrant


2. Install VirtualBox


3. Install the vagrant-hostsupdater plugin.

<span class="nv">$ </span>vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater

4. Clone the Wocker Repository

<span class="nv">$ </span>git clone https://github.com/wckr/wocker.git <span class="o">&&</span> <span class="nb">cd </span>wocker

5. Start up Wocker

<span class="nv">$ </span>vagrant up

This could take a while on the first run as your local machine downloads the required files. Watch as the script ends, as an administrator or su password may be required. The first default container wocker will be running after the provision finishes successfully.

Note: on Windows, run Cmd, PowerShell or other terminals as an administrator.

6. Visit the following site in your browser

How to handle security updates within Docker containers?

When deploying applications onto servers, there is typically a separation between what the application bundles with itself and what it expects from the platform (operating system and installed packages) to provide. One point of this is that the platform can be updated independently of the application. This is useful for example when security updates need to be applied urgently to packages provided by the platform without rebuilding the entire application.

Traditionally security updates have been applied simply by executing a package manager command to install updated versions of packages on the operating system (for example “yum update” on RHEL). But with the advent of container technology such as Docker where container images essentially bundle both the application and the platform, what is the canonical way of keeping a system with containers up to date? Both the host and containers have their own, independent, sets of packages that need updating and updating on the host will not update any packages inside the containers. With the release of RHEL 7 where Docker containers are especially featured, it would be interesting to hear what Redhat’s recommended way to handle security updates of containers is.

Thoughts on a few of the options:

  • Letting the package manager update packages on the host will not update packages inside the containers.
  • Having to regenerate all container images to apply updates seems to break the separation between the application and the platform (updating the platform requires access to the application build process which generates the Docker images).
  • Running manual commands inside each of the running containers seems cumbersome and changes are at risk of being overwritten the next time containers are updated from the application release artifacts.

So none of these approaches seems satisfactory.

A New, Better Way to Automatically Update Docker Containers

Docker is the buzz these days, right? Package your application with a , build, push to a registry and somehow get it to your cloud provider. There are a million ways to skin this cat. 🐱

The reality of it is, someone sets up a container somewhere that “just works” and often forgets about it. I’ve seen a single container run for months on end. This results in missing functionality from newer versions of an application or—even worse—can lead to potential security vulnerabilities, all because somebody was too lazy to update the image and recreate the container on their on-prem server or in the cloud.

Container Orchestration

The proper way to handle such a scenario is to utilize rolling updates using Kubernetes or Docker Swarm, but to most developers, these are black boxes that “only ops people know how to use.” So what happens now? Usually a developer will just issue a  and say, “Cool, my app is deployed, now consumers can quit hounding me.”

It’s not ideal… but again… the reality.


Automate the Process

There’s a popular open source project called Watchtower that has the ability to “watch” running Docker containers on either the same local or remote host, check if there is a newer image in the remote registry, and then update the container with the new image using the same configuration options it was instantiated with. Pretty cool right?


This application really intrigued me, so naturally I started digging through the source, which is written in Go. The issue was I couldn’t follow a lot of what was going on in the application due to its lack of readability. I’m not a Go expert, but can still follow logic in most cases. This was not one of those cases…

I thought it was natural that it was written in Go since, well, Docker is. I knew there were two Docker SDK options available in Go and Python, so I thought to myself, “OK, Watchtower is the Go version of auto-updating containers, where’s the Python version?” Well, guess what… it didn’t exist.

Reinventing the Wheel


I was somewhat shocked to see someone had not done a similar thing using the Docker Python SDK. And so went the thought process, “Hey, I dig Python. I’ll try my hand at it.” It is the Hacktoberfest season after all.

After a weekend of playing with Docker Python SDK, I saw how feasible the implementation would be and had something minimal working.

Hosting multiple SSL-enabled sites with Docker and Nginx

In one of our most popular tutorials—Host multiple websites on one VPS with Docker and Nginx—I covered how you can use the nginx-proxy Docker container to host multiple websites or web apps on a single VPS using different containers.

As I was looking to enable HTTPS on some of my self-hosted services recently, I thought it was about time to take that tutorial a step further and show you how to set it up to request Let’s Encrypt HTTPS certificates.

With the help of docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion (Github), we’ll be able to have SSL automatically enabled on any new website or app we deploy with Docker containers.


  • Any of our OS options—Ubuntu, Debian, or CentOS. Just a note: we’ve only tested Ubuntu 16.04 as of now.
  • A running Docker installation, plus docker-compose—see our Getting Started with Docker guide for more information.