Distribution of Household Wealth in the U.S. since 1989


Distribution of Household Wealth in the U.S. since 1989


Wealth by wealth percentile group

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Date Top 1%
(US$ Trillions)
(US$ Trillions)
(US$ Trillions)
Bottom 50%
(US$ Trillions)
1989:Q3 4.88 7.56 7.23 0.76
1989:Q4 5.03 7.68 7.30 0.80
1990:Q1 5.02 7.68 7.47 0.79
1990:Q2 5.09 7.80 7.48 0.81
1990:Q3 4.91 7.77 7.54 0.81
1990:Q4 5.15 7.83 7.66 0.82
1991:Q1 5.44 7.90 7.77 0.91
1991:Q2 5.39 7.92 7.80 0.94
1991:Q3 5.49 7.91 8.00 0.92
1991:Q4 5.77 8.06 8.12 0.98
1992:Q1 5.72 8.10 8.24 0.97
1992:Q2 5.69 8.16 8.32 0.95
1992:Q3 5.74 8.28 8.46 1.00
1992:Q4 6.06 8.37 8.69 0.95
1993:Q1 6.27 8.46 8.69 0.97
1993:Q2 6.38 8.46 8.83 0.97
1993:Q3 6.55 8.52 8.97 0.98
1993:Q4 6.77 8.59 9.07 0.99
1994:Q1 6.80 8.74 8.99 1.04
1994:Q2 6.83 8.83 9.03 1.03
1994:Q3 6.97 8.89 9.18 1.01
1994:Q4 7.09 8.97 9.24 0.94
1995:Q1 7.36 9.09 9.34 0.97
1995:Q2 7.62 9.16 9.46 1.04
1995:Q3 8.00 9.22 9.60 1.06
1995:Q4 8.17 9.53 9.71 1.13
1996:Q1 8.26 9.79 9.83 1.22
1996:Q2 8.32 9.97 10.04 1.19
1996:Q3 8.30 10.09 10.23 1.17
1996:Q4 8.56 10.38 10.38 1.23
1997:Q1 8.53 10.51 10.47 1.26
1997:Q2 9.08 10.94 10.81 1.28
1997:Q3 9.48 11.27 11.09 1.31
1997:Q4 9.60 11.48 11.19 1.34
1998:Q1 10.29 11.98 11.60 1.36
1998:Q2 10.47 12.22 11.86 1.32
1998:Q3 9.96 11.95 12.03 1.26
1998:Q4 10.85 12.67 12.41 1.33
1999:Q1 10.86 12.89 12.55 1.37
1999:Q2 11.23 13.32 12.71 1.42
1999:Q3 10.99 13.28 12.83 1.43
1999:Q4 12.18 14.04 13.49 1.44
2000:Q1 12.59 14.56 13.86 1.45
2000:Q2 12.19 14.59 13.97 1.43
2000:Q3 12.34 14.77 14.32 1.41
2000:Q4 11.79 14.72 14.37 1.43
2001:Q1 11.35 14.69 14.67 1.41
2001:Q2 11.71 15.19 14.97 1.43
2001:Q3 11.03 14.86 15.05 1.32
2001:Q4 11.73 15.35 15.34 1.44
2002:Q1 11.91 15.61 15.58 1.40
2002:Q2 11.47 15.67 15.38 1.37
2002:Q3 10.79 15.40 15.25 1.40
2002:Q4 11.28 15.73 15.63 1.38
2003:Q1 11.26 15.89 15.68 1.36
2003:Q2 12.17 16.49 16.08 1.29
2003:Q3 12.54 16.75 16.47 1.17
2003:Q4 13.33 17.48 16.83 1.33
2004:Q1 14.32 18.29 17.48 1.25
2004:Q2 14.55 18.48 17.90 1.16
2004:Q3 14.87 19.01 18.08 1.30
2004:Q4 15.83 19.78 18.83 1.24
2005:Q1 15.93 20.38 18.89 1.35
2005:Q2 16.36 21.07 19.12 1.45
2005:Q3 16.90 21.70 19.56 1.46
2005:Q4 17.36 22.22 20.14 1.41
2006:Q1 18.23 23.16 20.03 1.45
2006:Q2 18.08 23.30 20.10 1.35
2006:Q3 18.47 23.59 20.40 1.29
2006:Q4 19.11 24.06 20.64 1.37
2007:Q1 19.49 24.68 20.50 1.40
2007:Q2 19.79 24.96 20.47 1.38
2007:Q3 20.07 25.21 20.61 1.26
2007:Q4 19.83 24.99 20.40 1.21
2008:Q1 18.99 24.60 19.73 1.17
2008:Q2 18.46 24.28 19.70 0.84
2008:Q3 17.59 23.76 19.09 0.65
2008:Q4 15.88 22.90 18.56 0.72
2009:Q1 14.96 23.14 17.79 0.94
2009:Q2 15.57 23.20 18.23 0.71
2009:Q3 16.50 23.84 18.48 0.54
2009:Q4 16.93 23.41 18.83 0.52
2010:Q1 17.27 24.14 18.93 0.40
2010:Q2 16.99 23.96 18.87 0.22
2010:Q3 17.93 24.56 19.15 0.35
2010:Q4 18.79 24.82 19.58 0.47
2011:Q1 19.28 25.33 19.78 0.29
2011:Q2 19.53 25.49 19.94 0.22
2011:Q3 18.30 25.16 19.65 0.27
2011:Q4 18.89 25.39 20.00 0.43
2012:Q1 19.80 26.23 20.27 0.39
2012:Q2 19.63 26.35 20.37 0.29
2012:Q3 20.41 26.89 20.78 0.44
2012:Q4 20.75 27.14 21.20 0.40
2013:Q1 21.84 28.14 21.60 0.64
2013:Q2 22.05 28.65 21.92 0.66
2013:Q3 23.03 29.19 22.80 0.67
2013:Q4 24.08 29.76 23.44 0.70
2014:Q1 24.67 30.45 23.64 0.72
2014:Q2 25.43 30.97 24.00 0.80
2014:Q3 25.45 31.30 24.03 0.81
2014:Q4 26.36 31.73 24.42 0.83
2015:Q1 27.07 32.47 24.67 0.91
2015:Q2 27.09 32.74 24.73 0.96
2015:Q3 26.32 32.56 24.68 0.92
2015:Q4 27.10 32.72 25.30 0.92
2016:Q1 27.27 33.29 25.43 1.00
2016:Q2 27.70 33.98 25.53 1.12
2016:Q3 28.58 34.57 26.01 1.13
2016:Q4 29.18 34.59 26.53 1.08
2017:Q1 29.96 35.31 27.14 1.07
2017:Q2 30.51 35.84 27.49 1.21
2017:Q3 31.34 36.44 28.05 1.23
2017:Q4 32.51 37.05 28.78 1.19
2018:Q1 32.46 37.52 28.97 1.28
2018:Q2 32.99 38.13 29.35 1.41
2018:Q3 33.80 38.93 29.82 1.46
2018:Q4 31.54 37.73 29.54 1.34
2019:Q1 33.80 39.29 30.60 1.43
2019:Q2 34.47 39.93 30.75 1.63
2019:Q3 34.53 40.12 30.90 1.67

Note: Distributions by generation are defined by birth year as follows: Silent and Earlier=born before 1946, Baby Boomer=born 1946-1964, Gen X=born 1965-1980, and Millennial=born 1981-1996.


How To Export Posts To CSV In WordPress

Add Custom Button On The Post Listing

To generate the CSV, we first need to give a button on the listing page of a post screen. On the click of this button, we will write a code for generating a CSV.

Open your functions.php file and place the below code in it.

add_action( 'manage_posts_extra_tablenav', 'admin_post_list_top_export_button', 20, 1 );
function admin_post_list_top_export_button( $which ) {
    global $typenow;
    if ( 'post' === $typenow && 'top' === $which ) {
        <input type="submit" name="export_all_posts" id="export_all_posts" class="button button-primary" value="Export All Posts" />

Above code add the button ‘Export All Posts’ on the posts listing as shown in the screenshot. Here, we have used the hook manage_posts_extra_tablenav to place our custom button on post screen page.

Export Post Button

Actual Code Which Export Posts To CSV

At this stage, you are ready with your custom button which should generate our CSV. So, let’s add a code that generates the CSV on the click of a button and send it to the browser for download.

Add the below code in the functions.php file.

add_action( 'init', 'func_export_all_posts' );
function func_export_all_posts() {
    if(isset($_GET['export_all_posts'])) {
        $arg = array(
                'post_type' => 'post',
                'post_status' => 'publish',
                'posts_per_page' => -1,
        global $post;
        $arr_post = get_posts($arg);
        if ($arr_post) {
            header('Content-type: text/csv');
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="wp.csv"');
            header('Pragma: no-cache');
            header('Expires: 0');
            $file = fopen('<a style="box-sizing: content-box !important; border: 0px !important; font-family: Monaco, consolas, 'bitstream vera sans mono', 'courier new', Courier, monospace !important; font-size: 1em !important; font-style: normal !important; font-weight: 400 !important; margin: 0px !important; outline: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; vertical-align: baseline !important; background: 0px 0px !important; color: blue !important; text-decoration: none; transition: all 0.2s linear 0s; border-radius: 0px !important; bottom: auto !important; float: none !important; height: auto !important; left: auto !important; line-height: 1.1em !important; overflow: visible !important; position: static !important; right: auto !important; text-align: left !important; top: auto !important; width: auto !important; direction: ltr !important; box-shadow: none !important;" href="php://output/">php://output</a>', 'w');
            fputcsv($file, array('Post Title', 'URL'));
            foreach ($arr_post as $post) {
                fputcsv($file, array(get_the_title(), get_the_permalink()));

Amazon Athena

Serverless, no ETL
Athena is serverless. You can quickly query your data without having to setup and manage any servers or data warehouses. Just point to your data in Amazon S3, define the schema, and start querying using the built-in query editor. Amazon Athena allows you to tap into all your data in S3 without the need to set up complex processes to extract, transform, and load the data (ETL).