Inside Cornell: Analyzing the words of psychopaths

Using computerized text analysis, Cornell professor of communication Jeff Hancock and colleagues at the University of British Columbia found that psychopathic criminals tend to make identifiable word choices when talking about their crimes. Hancock and UBC professor of psychology Michael Woodworth discussed the implications of their study at the October 17, 2011 Inside Cornell session at Cornell’s ILR Conference Center in Midtown Manhattan.

Malcom Gladwell Keynote Speech at University of Miami Real Estate Impact Conference

Malcolm Gladwell talks about the law of criminal concentration.

He says that crime and suicide (on the Golden Gate bridge) are coupled and do not result in displacement.

(40:50 min) Of the 515 people who attempted suicide on the Golden Gate bridge, only 25 attempt again in another way.

(42:40 min) Most police deny that the law of criminal concentration exists.  They deploy stop-and-frisk too broadly.  There are no “bad neighborhoods”.  There are only “bad blocks”.