The Supreme Court Issue NO ONE Is Talking About


John Roberts represented the Chamber of Commerce in private practice.

Before Roberts, the Chamber’s preferred position was chosen 50% of the time.

Under Roberts, 70% of the cases are decided in the Chamber’s favor.


Before John Roberts, Lewis Powell represented the Chamber on the Court

Even the “Left-wing” supports the Chamber:

  • 53% Steven Breyer
  • 48% Sonya Sotomayer


The corporate media almost never covers these corporate law issues.

They want to distract from the corporate issues with social issues.

Environmental issues (Climate Change) are barely part of the converstation.

Kellogg Workers Go On Strike

Kellogg workers strike as the pandemic compounds the problematic long-standing working environment.

During Covid, employees worked 12 hour shifts 7 days per week.

Kelloggs threatens to move jobs to Mexico if workers don’t accept cuts.

Why do CNBC and Fox Business channel only cover stock prices and the CEOs?

Why don’t these “business” channels cover workers and their experience.