What are INTJs like as teenagers?

I think INTJs can be a little intimidating as teenagers since they tend to do very well in school and not care much about clothes, parties, or popularity the way most teens do. They are usually well behaved and mature but are not easy for authority figures to control with either positive or negative reinforcement. And if INTJ teens think something is wrong, they will risk quite a lot to bring it to light. This sort of whistleblowing might bring them into the limelight and get them a student council spot, but normally they prefer to keep to themselves or hang with other INTJs from their accelerated classes.

INTJ teens usually have very serious outside interests like music. They may be performing at concerts and working with a language tutor to learn German lieder while their peers are pouring beer all over each other at pool parties. Probably they want to go to a top-tier university or music school like Harvard or Juilliard.

Physically INTJ teens may be a little neglectful of their appearance and prefer to dress in their own duds rather than a school uniform. They may have to be forced out of hiding behind a book or computer so they can get some fresh air, exercise, and proper food. But they can usually be reasoned with much better than most people their age.

INTJ teens might be quite sheltered if their parents allow their introverted tendencies free reign. They may have read and heard quite a lot about sex, but are smart enough to understand the consequences and are usually cautious about dating. They may wait until college or even later to start forming romantic attachments and may prefer their teachers and professors to people their own age.

INTJ teens are often epic babysitters who have more availability than more gregarious peers. Children start calming down around them and wanting to do things with them immediately. INTJs don’t court children the way extroverts would, but their quietness often makes little people very curious. They usually have cool books, comics, and toys that the kids like better than the usual ones.

The real reason Donald Trump lies

The president’s greatest ambitions are neither financial nor political — they’re psychological, writes Stephen Grosz

.. Does Trump’s invention feel to you — like it feels to me — a male thing? Let me pose a connection between Trump’s lying and masculinity. Masculinity is complex. For the most part, all of us, male and female, start life loving our mothers. But love is not simple. When a boy loves his mother, he will empathise with her thoughts, feelings and desires. He identifies with her. At times, he will even wish to be her. Because Trump’s in no one’s heart, he wants to be in all our minds One classic study asked three-to-eight-year-old boys and girls whether they wanted to be fathers or mothers when they grew up. Unsurprisingly, boys four or older wanted to become fathers, and girls four or older wanted to become mothers. Three-year-old boys and girls were different. As expected, most of the girls wanted to become mothers. But, unexpectedly — so did the majority of the boys. In other words, for a period of his childhood, a boy will want to be a woman. And it is upon this foundation — the desire to be a woman — that masculinity is built. In our “girls like pink, boys like blue” world, a boy quickly learns that he is expected to feel whole and confident of his masculinity. His feelings may be conflicted, shifting, but he is expected to conceal this internal struggle from others as well as himself. A “sissy”, “mama’s boy” or “wimp” will be shamed and humiliated, sometimes assaulted. To have a masculine identity, a boy must reject what he once loved. The upshot of all this is that a boy’s development leaves him with the fear that there is something feminine in him, that he’s not a real man — at any moment, he can be exposed as a fake. Trump makes heavy use of this fear. To show you how, let me take you on what may seem like a digression — Trump’s love of professional wrestling.

How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime | Nadine Burke Harris

Childhood trauma isn’t something you just get over as you grow up. Pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris explains that the repeated stress of abuse, neglect and parents struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues has real, tangible effects on the development of the brain. This unfolds across a lifetime, to the point where those who’ve experienced high levels of trauma are at triple the risk for heart disease and lung cancer. An impassioned plea for pediatric medicine to confront the prevention and treatment of trauma, head-on.

How Does Play Shape Our Development?

Dr. Stuart Brown says humor, games, roughhousing and fantasy are more than just fun. He came to this conclusion after conducting some somber research into the stark childhoods of murderers.

About Stuart Brown

Dr. Stuart Brown is the founder of the National Institute for Play in California. Brown came to study play after studying something much more somber: the lives of murderers. He found a common thread in their life stories: lack of play in childhood. Since then, he’s interviewed thousands of people to catalog their relationships with play, noting a strong correlation between playful activity and success. His book Play describes the impact that play can have on one’s life.