Richard Rohr: There Is Nothing to Regret (God Uses Everything in Our Favor)

We cannot change the world except insofar as we have changed ourselves. We can only give away who we are. We can only offer to others what God has done in us. We have no real mental or logical answers. We must be an answer.

We only know the other side of the journeys that we have made ourselves. Francis walked to the edge and thus he could lead others to what he found there.

.. Only the forgiven can forgive, only the healed can heal, only those who stand daily in need of mercy can offer mercy to others. At first it sounds simplistic and even individualistic, but it is precisely such transformed people who can finally effect profound and long-lasting social change.

.. Thus, both Jesus and Francis had no pragmatic social agenda for reform. They just moved outside the system of illusion, more by ignoring it than fighting it and quite simply doing it better. They knew that “the best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better”

.. Nothing threatened them; everything elated them, reflecting their own infinite abundance.