Tucker Guest THIRSTS For ‘Chinese Skulls’ | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

Krystal and Saagar comment on a segment from Tucker Carlson Tonight featuring a guest who expressed a bloodthirsty desire for ‘Chinese skulls’ and a more masculine military

The guy was too aggressive. I was in the NAVY when a deployment was on the horizon the sudden amount of female sailors that became miraculously pregnant was astounding. (Getting pregnant gets you out of a deployment)

“This segment of the Tucker Carlson Show brought to you by Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, etc.”

He’s not wrong about the pregnant women in the Navy. 🤣🤣

Love how fox news calls every left leaning person extremist but nods and agrees to talks about thrones adorned with skulls.

Does this guy even believe what he’s saying? It’s like some guests think it’s a contest to invent the most over the top rhetoric, with no regard for what it actually means …

“How many of our soldiers…”? Shit, I keep thinking about how many Arab women and CHILDREN were murdered in illegal wars based on lies. Can you imagine losing 10, 21 family members with an overwhelming number of them being children and women… And having that covered up, glossed over and ignored with no-one held accountable…

Brave guy talking a lot a shit about a war he won’t be personally fighting in. Prior service isn’t a pass to advocate for simplistic unquantified dumb shit on a national level.

I don’t disagree with his point about stacking skulls, that’s what the combat arms parts of our military do, and it should be their aggressive mindset. We can still see nuance inside that bubble, but that nuance won’t mean anything if we have to start killing to defend an objective.

I served in the military for 22 years and the last thing you want is people like this. They are far too intolerant to make good leaders or followers. Serving in the military means being able to tolerate others’ differences, otherwise, the unit can’t function as a whole. People like this in the military either learn to STFU or they get drummed out for bad behavior. Either way, they don’t last long.

By the way, we’ve already fought against China- a China that was barely developed- in the Korean War, and look how that went. You think it would go better today?

dude is over-compensating for something deep and personal i suspect… so glad i’m living my life as ME (Taiwanese here) rather than him. i pity him.

You’re giving this guy too much credit to say he’s a war monger. I don’t think he’s even clever enough for that. A better name for him would be provocateur or in street lingo – a shit disturber. He’s also a self promoter.

There are arguments to be made regarding wokeness in the US military. However, our military has a lot of duties/jobs that require many different skill sets. Women and gay people have served selflessly for decades. Obviously he can have his opinion, but comes off is a bit misinformed and lacking some respect. That said — he does a radio show and I’m sure the attention he’ll get from this will only help potentially build his audience, and he knows that I’m sure.

For those of us who have served we can attest that it’s the invincible, alpha-male, in your face macho leaders who are the cause of a lot of the problems (and subsequent woke reactions) that the military currently faces.

The most effective and lethal leaders are those who are humble, decisive, have high integrity, and are accountable to a fault…regardless of background, race, or gender.

First, I love that the length of this video is 5.56. Serendipitous, for sure. Secondly, the role of the military is to kill people and break things. Period. Blood thirst is beat into your head during basic training and during follow up training if your role is direct combat. “Show me your war face” is something that was actually demanded of me in my infantry unit. Though his presentation was crass, I was fully onboard with everything he said until the very end. “We can’t even get women off of Naval vessels, although half of them are already pregnant anyway.” Wow. How is that not the primary focus of this reaction video? Having a desire to sit on a pile of Chinese skulls? That should absolutely be the mindset of a fighting force. The complaint that we shouldn’t want war and we should be aware that a pile of Chinese skulls only comes at the cost of American skulls is exactly correct. But that is the mindset for civilians and their elected representatives to hold. Not the guy whose sole job is to stack up that pile of enemy skulls.

As a Marine vet, ya we talked liked this among the ranks but kept it tight among the civilians. I think he needed to fine-tune his message for the audience he was addressing. Though, wokeness ain’t the reason the military is faltering. It’s overextended and the stuff we’re getting is expensive and it’s fckn crap.

If an Iranian or Taliban media figure had said that about “American skulls,” we’d be there immediately dropping more bombs than Steph Curry

Blind hate of your enemy makes you weak. Only when you respect your opponent do you have a chance of defeating them.

40 years ago it was Russian Skulls. Enemies come and go with political positions.

Remember that ACTUAL warmongers never talk that way… It’s all about “American values” and “protecting our allies”

Maybe we should ramp up domestic manufacturing before we go to war with a country that supplies us with the majority of our goods

Considering America has lost two wars against China by proxy, both Korea and Vietnam, I don’t know I’d be wishing for a conflict as American lol

i feel like you guys should get one person on to talk about financial news or something. i feel like there’s more to news you guys could do and expanding breaking points. would even be more content.

I think the fact that Jesse did serve kind of makes his remarks more damming. Because it sounds like this guy wants to commit war crimes.

Tucker Carlson Guest: “If I’m wrong, so be it, bro. I don’t care,” McBride said. “I don’t give a shit about being wrong.”



But as HuffPost went into more detail explaining why the idea that Rally Runner was some sort of undercover law enforcement agent was absurd, McBride shifted a bit. He said his job was to defend his client, and he didn’t “need to be right” in everything he claimed.

“If I’m wrong, so be it, bro. I don’t care,” McBride said. “I don’t give a shit about being wrong.”

McBride said he was simply “theorizing things” and “not publishing conclusive findings,” and he said his appearances on Carlson’s show were a part of his effort to combat the narrative being given about his Jan. 6 clients.

“If this guy turns out to be some, some guy who runs around the Cardinals’ stadium with his face painted, then that’s great,” he said. “If that’s the truth, then so be it, and God bless America.”

Tucker Carlson, Unmasked

The self-styled champion of individual liberty wants you to call government agents to punish Americans for their parenting.

Social media has so conditioned people to expect hyperbole that there’s a perverse satisfaction when a clip is truly as bad as advertised. Last night, a viral tweet claimed that Fox News’s Tucker Carlson had told his audience to harass people on the street wearing masks—and to “call the police immediately; contact child protective services” if they saw a child wearing one.

Surely, this couldn’t be a fair description; naturally, it was. Having spent the early part of the month espousing the white-supremacist “great replacement theory,” Carlson is now seeking to use the power of the state to harass and immiserate his political opponents:

Carlson delivered his rant with the combination of astonished indignation, obvious bad faith, and smug sarcasm with which he delivers everything these days, a volatile mix that makes it impossible to know when and to what extent he’s trolling. Like his fellow traveler Donald Trump, Carlson delights in making appalling statements with a straight face and then insisting he was just joking; unlike Trump, Carlson has in the past shown enough of a sense of humor that you can’t discount that possibility.

Trying to figure out Carlson’s “real” feelings is not only impossible but beside the point. Whether he’s disingenuous or delusional, many people will hear what he says and take it seriously and literally. We have several recent examples of the Fox audience being misled into believing falsehoods, including denying the reality of COVID-19 and subscribing to bogus claims about fraud in the 2020 election.

Carlson’s diatribe is a useful data point for how American conservatism has transformed, especially in the Trump era, from a movement that (at least putatively) believes in limited government to one that primarily prizes marshaling the power of the state to punish those who disagree with itWith Trump in eclipse, Carlson is the most visible face of the new conservative movement.

Although Carlson makes a lot of ridiculous claims in a short period in this clip, it is his comments about children that are most disturbing. After complaining that mask mandates imposed by the state are equivalent to living in North Korea, Carlson executes two athletic rhetorical maneuvers. First, he goes from describing mask wearing as excessive to describing it as abusive, and second, he elides the difference between a government mandate and a personal choice.

“As for forcing children to wear masks outside, that should be illegal,” Carlson sputters. “Your response when you see children wearing masks as they play should be no different from seeing someone beating a kid at Walmart: Call the police immediately; contact child protective services. Keep calling until someone arrives. What you’re looking at is abuse. It’s child abuse, and you’re morally obligated to attempt to prevent it.”

One doesn’t need a lot of imagination to game out where this is going. Some viewers will take Carlson’s possibly arch exhortations to heart. They’ll call the police and child protective services. In most cases, authorities will ignore those calls. In some cases, especially if the callers repeatedly summon police as Carlson demands, they could be charged with filing false claims; it’s a good bet that neither he nor Fox News will be there to help them if they are. In other cases, encounters will end poorly for the innocent parents involved. The news is full of examples of how police called to respond to petty or wholly imagined offenses end up gravely injuring or even killing people. (Carlson believes Derek Chauvin was wrongly convicted.)

But when government authorities fail to intervene—because, of course, no laws are being broken—Carlson’s fans may feel the moral obligation to take matters into their own hands, just like Edgar Maddison Welch, who stormed into a Washington, D.C., pizzeria heavily armed in 2016, because he wanted to prevent child abuse that he wrongly believed was occurring there. No one was hurt in that incident, though someone easily could have been. Welch spent about three years in prison.

Carlson’s argument isn’t really about masks. As he grudgingly admitted, the Biden administration had already signaled that new guidance would soon make clear that mask wearing outside is not necessary for fully vaccinated people; the CDC released that guidance this afternoon. Perhaps the change could have come faster, but conservatives have traditionally applauded the deliberate process of government, because it prevents tyranny and abuse of citizens.

Even after new guidance, some people will decide to continue wearing masks outside. Perhaps they feel more comfortable that way. People exercising sometimes extreme caution about their health is neither new or a nuisance. Perhaps they are immunocompromised, or have immunocompromised family members or friends. Ultimately, it’s none of my business or Tucker Carlson’s business why they are doing so, as long as they aren’t hurting anyone, which neither he nor anyone else has established they are.

That’s the sort of personal choice that conservatives have also traditionally defended. Though Carlson masquerades as a defender of free speech (one of several poses he’s tried on over the years), he must know that the government has no business telling citizens what they cannot wear. It is, to borrow Carlson’s analogy, like being forced to wear a Kim Il Sung pin in Pyongyang. Unlike mandates to wear masks, which stem from a public-health interest, a government rule punishing people for wearing masks during a pandemic serves no compelling interest. As for children, conservatives have long argued that families should enjoy autonomy about their parenting decisions, without undue interference from the state.

But Carlson doesn’t object to the state harassing people or exercising undue power. He delights in it, as long as the state is harassing the people he hates. The crueltyas my colleague Adam Serwer has said, is the point. This is the lodestar of the Trump and post-Trump GOP, which values owning the libs above allnot merely rhetorically, but with the fist of government. Thus Trump asserted that he had the authority to override state and local coronavirus shutdowns (before hastily backtracking when it became clear that he had no such power). He sought to involve the federal government in decisions of colleges and universities in order to muzzle speech. And he celebrated police violence, even as he moaned that he was the victim of overzealous law enforcement.

It is tempting to read incoherence in Trump’s arguments, or in Carlson’s: How can they both be against government mandating masks, on the basis of personal liberty, and also demand that the government prevent people from wearing them? In fact, the principle is straightforward enough. Small government for me, but not for thee.