Cops Get Fired, Arrested, and Sued After Unlawful Arrest



I find it despicable that Wal-Mart refused to allow her to pay for the items. If one of those employees stepped in and noticed her diminished mental condition, and then allowed her to pay, then this confrontation would not have happened.
“I was going to pay for it” “but you didn’t” BECAUSE THE EMPLOYEES REFUSED TO LET HER! My god this officer is not only a monster thinking he’s some big shot for taking down a mentally unwell, little old lady and thinking he freaking knows what happened when clearly he didn’t. I’m glad she filed a lawsuit against them and both no longer work for the police dept as well as charges against them. I hope they get found GUILTY for this behavior because they KNEW they were in the wrong, and proceeded to try to cover their tracks. I feel so bad for Karen, she didn’t deserve that.

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As a caregiver in a memory care facility, this brought me to tears. Absolutely sickening
This victim reminds me of my Mom who died just over a year ago from dementia. It’s hard to believe anyone (especially law enforcement officers) being so cruel to her and lacking basic humanity. Kudos to those who came to her aid in her time of need.
“She started running”
Absolutely disgusting.
I started tearing up seeing him dislocate her shoulder.
Wow what a hero for hurting an 80lb elderly woman with dementia.
It’s ironic the cop tells a stranger to get all the facts before rushing to judgment.
Officer: “this is what you get when you mess with the police” Also Officer: goes to jail, gets public outrage, humiliation, and makes taxpayers pay 3 million dollars
I’m crying for this poor woman. I’ve a hidden disability that causes me to behave this way from time to time. It’s TERRIFYING.
He seriously celebrated that arrest? What’s to be proud of,the way he just had to prove what a “boss” he was, right! By throwing a tiny, little, old woman to the ground because she “resisted arrest”! Bollox! She made you feel small when she didn’t stop and you had to show her the full power of your authority!! Pathetic!! Now the guy in the white car, the one who stood up to the officer and told him he saw the whole arrest and she didn’t try to run away once.. he’s a boss! Edit note – actually he’s a dam hero!! He risked getting wrongfully arrested to help her! We need more people like him in our world!
This’s so heartbreaking. As a nurse, I worked with dementia patients for over a decade and the thought of any of them being treated this way makes me sick. When the officer first approached her, she was pleasantly confused and smiled at him. I’m sure she had no idea why this “nice young man” was talking to her. You can see it in her expression. With that in mind and understanding that a police officer’s roll in society is “to protect and serve”, it makes this one of the worst videos to watch. In that way, it reminds me of the video showing a man sweetly call a kitten over to him in a park, and when the kitten came running over to him calling, he kicked it through the air. The innocence in the world is too often crushed by the evil people in society. We have to stand up to those who crush that innocence. Can you imagine the pain and confusion Ms Garner was experiencing?… and then shackled to a bench with lacerations and fractures for hours without medical treatment. 😢 Anyone trying to say “He didn’t know”, watch his reaction to her after she’s in his vehicle and back at the station! He talked to her like a child because he knew her mental state was that of a child.

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You forgot the young man who confronted the police officers when he saw conduct that clearly disturbed him and struck him as wrong…. I’d give that young man an A.
I like how the dude stands his ground when the cop lies and says she was running “I seen her the whole time, she wasn’t running”.
Whats really horrifying is that the sergeant, and pretty sure everyone else in the dept, approved of the behavior and didnt reprimand the officers until they were sued
“No action was taken against the officers until a lawsuit was filed…” The fact that a lawsuit was required in order to get the bad apples removed, speaks volumes.
A law needs to be passed that prohibits fired cops from being hired by other departments


It’s satisfying to finally see officers held accountable for their conduct. This used to be completely acceptable conduct for police, and now they not only get fired for it, but they get charged as well (as they should).

The absolute balls on that guy to confront two random cops in what obviously isn’t his first language or his native country is amazing. What a hero, hats off to him
I wish one of these networks would give you a nationally syndicated show. I thank you for your channel. I really think your videos would help inform the public as to what is wrong with the way police do their job and could help bring police reform. I really appreciate what you do. THANK YOU
The fact he easily and quickly deescalated the bystander situation but couldn’t do the same for an elderly woman with dementia is just sad
Oddly, I’m upset with the Walmart employees for calling the police and escalating the situation. I’m not advocating for stealing, but it was only $13 worth of product. Walmart isn’t going to suffer over such a petty loss. Just let her take it—it was not worth the broken shoulder or trauma she suffered.
As someone who’s grandmother is in a similar state, I have nothing but loathing for the officers involved and the Wal-Mart management that all failed to help this woman. Just a couple of simple questions could have sorted out that she was having trouble, but no, they all had to treat her so terribly.
“You’re resisting, which isn’t going to fly with me” shows what a pathetic man he is when he feels the need to assert his dominance over a little old lady.
Where I came from, people would line up in the store to offer paying for what the old lady took. As we where raised to respect older people No matter what and this is what Im passing through to my kids. Seeing that lady go through pain not knowing what’s going on really hurts me. I hope she’s doing fine now.
“Dont judge the scene before you get all the facts.” Sometimes, irony just writes itself
As a caregiver who have seen many of these patients, this broke my heart.
As a former officer this made me sick to my stomach. I love old people and we much protect them at all costs that’s level of force was completely unnecessary. I was literally pissed watching this video. I’m glad she sued the s*** out of them! And shout out to that citizen who stood up against these wolves dressed as sheepdogs! He need a award as well.
I’m so glad that the police in my country get at least a 2 year training and in those 2 years and constantly after as well are being trained on how to deal with mentally unstable or ill people, development issues, physical ailments, confused people etc and even with aggression and stubbornness. You rarely see stuff like this or anything on this channel for that matter happening here.
I am getting sick and tired of departments allowing officers to resign in order to to not be held accountable for their actions, and not being put on the list.
Isn’t it funny how police can immediately charge a citizen for resisting arrest all while carrying around “qualified immunity” where it takes months to years to prove their unprofessionalism? I’m an advocate for getting rid of qualified immunity and letting officers carry their own insurance similar to malpractice insurance that doctors and nurses carry.
This could have been my mother who suffers from similar conditions. I cried throughout this video – disgraceful conduct..
“I’m going home. I’m going home.” This poor woman. My mom suffered from Alzheimer’s. It’s horrible. I’m shocked these officers didn’t recognize there was a mental issue here. Just horribly sad.
I didn’t even make it 2mins into the video and I’m already furious! The sheer level of ignorance. The amount of fear and confusion that woman must have felt is unimaginable. I lost one of my Grandparents to Alzheimer’s disease and it was heart breaking to watch her mental decline and how it affected her. Some days were almost like she was blissfully unaware but other times it was like she suddenly realised what was happening to her and what she was losing. The dread, fear and confusion in those moments were devastating. So watching this poor woman be mistreated because people don’t have time to consider or due to their ignorance figure out that there is an explanation for her behaviour is so hard to watch.
Edit: 7:56 oh freaking awesome, so it’s even in their own policies which means they WILL have been trained in this stuff?! So it’s not just ignorance. It’s WILLFUL ignorance!
I live in Loveland CO and cant beleive this happened. To think a $13 that she never even took was treated like this is so disrespectful and sickening.
Man, I have never seen anyone so proud of oppressing a weaker person. The cop seems so proud oh his action
A reasonable person knows how fragile elderly people are. Knowing this, this is an assault in my opinion.
It really angers me in the beginning how overly righteous and condescending he sounds when he speaks to this poor woman, who clearly is suffering from some kind of mass confusion/mental health episode. They can’t approach suspects like this like they’re pure evil, it isn’t black and white, you have to at least try to communicate properly before using force and immediate judgement. Edit: The citizen stopping and catching the officer in lies and asking for his Sargent was AMAZING.
It’s clear by the first officer sounding like he’s out of breath, he couldn’t handle anyone other than a child or an elderly female. The female officer is there to do no more than what it was found out later, sleeping with other officers. What a joke.
This one breaks my heart. My mom & aunt are at the age where they are becoming frail like this. If I saw an officer man handle one of them like this I would probably wind up in jail. Pick on someone your own size! He could have literally pinched her sweatshirt sleeve & that would have been enough to overpower this tiny old woman. She is clearly not a threat to society at large. Stealing is wrong regardless, but this is a tricky situation. The officers had no way of initially knowing that she was mentally disabled. I can agree with that. But they could absolutely see that she is a frail old woman & made better decision about use of force. & btw calling them “peace officers” makes me sick.
I wonder these days if there is a truly honest well trained and following the ‘To Protect and Serve’ cop anywhere in this country?? I was in law enforcement in the 70s and was proud to serve, but these days even I have a whole different look when I see an officer, wondering if they are corrupt or not. That is so sad!
Nobody would have ever known about this if it wasn’t filmed. This is what has been going on for years. It’s hard to watch, but there’s unprofessional cops in every state.
It’s absolutely amazing how the cops can all convince themselves and each other that they have done nothing wrong. Doesn’t matter what they’ve done – they all group-think themselves into believing that they acted within the law. It’s laughable. The only hope is that they watch the video in private and see what everyone else sees. Why couldn’t the cop see that something wasn’t right – does he not have a mother? Does he not recognise when someone is behaving oddly? He could have given her a lift home and made sure she was safe – it wasn’t like she was public enemy number 1.
the arrest itself was very difficult for me to watch.. she’s visibly confused and the officer immediately resorts to using physical force.. i hope she’s doing okay this must have been physically and mentally traumatizing for the poor lady
I know exactly when the shoulder injury happened. That was when he was controlling her arm causing her pain on purpose to teach a lesson or for self pleasure because she was not complying with him.
Update to this is that their Sargent Metzler- who participated in dropping her on the ground while loading her into a police car and signed off on this abuse as acceptable was allowed to work until he retired with full pay. The police chief Ticer who hired the miscreants, and also approved the beating they administered to this grandmother, now works in a retirement community in Arizona. Please pray for the unsuspecting seniors he will be “helping”………
She’s 73. He tells her if she kicks him “things will be bad”. Clearly this man was itching to beat up someone in cuffs. He had no intention of using just the amount of force necessary to stop the threat.
always nice to hear a officer say ‘i don’t care’ during an arrest especially when they don’t know all the details.
This video makes me furious every time I watch it And then how they laugh and joke later at the jail is some of the most egregious shit towards an elderly person I’ve ever seen
12:56 I refuse to believe that the cops were celebrating injuring an elderly woman. What is this world coming to
An update: Officer Hopp has been sentenced to 5 years in prison and 3 years probation. Accountability is getting better, next step is to stop the entire concept of internal investigation
You can tell how disconnected this cop is with everything. He treated this whole situation like it was a game.
>> The cop sounded like he was getting happy in the beginning of the stop. Like he was happy about finally being able to use some action.
>> Hey the cop was just playing GTA5 role play as a admin so it perfectly fine

>> Sounds like an 11 year old chattering with his gaming buddies

>>  @sergantawesom  I bet in his childhood he was the kid that would beat up a smaller kid and take his lunch money.

>> Is it just me or are these officers huffing and puffing over a 73 year old lady.

I’m a retail manager. This is appalling. If the “customer” offers to pay for the stuff, that’s acceptable. My first issue is with the employees who should have accepted payment and then simply told her she’s not welcome there anymore. (NOTE: That’s regardless of knowledge of mental capacity). My second issue is then with the police where it became obvious that she does have some mental disadvantages. Either way, the police were wrong in their approach. They didn’t bother to talk amicably with her. It was immediate detention.
This is so sad that this lady went through this. I am thankful she did file the lawsuit and won however, the pain had to be so excruciating. Elderly don’t heal fast. I will be waiting to see or hear their trials. Thank you for sharing these audits.
The fact that concerned man wasn’t even fluent in English and had the bravery to confront that aggressive cop was amazing!!! He must of been prepared to go to jail.
Cops should have NO means to delete footage, EVER. There’s no reason for someone with so much power to have more access than a retail employee has with cctv cameras.
Right from start, in the first 30 seconds, even I could see the lady was not 100% – 5′ tall and 80lb with dementia does not pose a threat. The whole thing could have been avoided if he just stopped for a second and reassessed the situation. He could have explained it to her, given her a ride home, talked to the caregiver who would have probably gone and paid the bill at WalMart. And good on that dude rolling up and challenging the cops treatment of that lady.
You can hear the joy in this man’s voice while he’s man handling this frail old woman
I remember a time we’re old ladies and ladies in general we’re treaded with respect. Today police in America seem to see in humans only criminals and non criminals. No nuance’s whatsoever. Sad.
The fact that there was an “internal review” and they found this use of force “reasonable” shows just how corrupt most internal reviews actually are. “We investigated ourselves and have found nothing wrong”.
Cops so many times just spew out lies without hesitation so often on these videos it’s ridiculous
“Do you feel better knowing all the facts?” How can you ask someone that when you didn’t know all the facts? No effort to de-escalate the situation whatsoever.
What kills me is that she tried to pay and they just confused the crap out of her instead. I don’t think I have ever seen such a aggressive Wal-Mart employee.
Aw what a sweet young lady! I feel so bad for her. I really hope she is getting the care she desperately needs after such a traumatic encounter 🙁
Just once it’d be nice to see the cop say to the concerned onlooker, “Here are the things you need to file a complaint. Thank you for looking out for this community and keeping us honest.”
That pos officer’s tone of voice is infuriating. He was talking to her like a small child but physically manhandled her like she was an NFL linebacker. The fact that their bosses tried to sweep it under the rug until they had no choice but to break the blue wall is why people hate the police.
Friendly reminder that the prosecutor who dropped the charges reviewed the body cam footage and only dropped charges to protect the officers involved in hopes that this body cam wouldn’t be released to the public.
When the lady just kept saying she was going home in a confused tone they should have suspected something wasn’t mentally right with her and they should have been more accommodating.
It’s amazing how this officer just had no clue. It’s obvious this lady had an issue from first contact. You could see how clueless she was when she turned around. She had a confused look on her face and that was very clear.
There is just one major problem here. When the woman was stopped at the store by a store employee she offered the store employee her credit card to pay for the items she was walking out with. She offered to pay and instead the store employee said no and took the items back from her. Thus no crime was committed.
This is why I teach my children to respect the law and authority, but always keep your guard up around the police.
I disagree. They showed just enough force to restrain the perpetrator at the time of confrontation
Thank God we have officers out there protecting Walmart from losing $13 what would our world be like without them complete chaos
The way the cop physically, without speaking, threatened to destroy her shoulder when he was saying don’t kick at her terrifies me. He could have ruined her rotator cuff just with how he was pressing her arm.
The cop’s tone of voice genuinely upsets me. It’s so condescending I’m disgusted and if I met him in a bar or something I don’t think I could hold a conversation longer than 20 seconds with him.
That’s why these cameras are so important. Cops like these need to be held accountable. The fact that they tried covering their tracks makes this far worse. We need to normalize disciplining officers who abuse their power more.
I used to do undercover loss prevention and it was a district supervisor where I live. Why in the hell didn’t the Walmart employees let her to pay for the items and leave. I hope they got fired and get sued as well.
The manner in which she said “I’m going home” should have been an immediate indication that she is confused and not a threat.
>> Exactly. It shows the officers not only lack a brain, they also lack a heart.
>>  @utubepunk  having people skills is frowned upon within most police departments

>> The fact she was 80 pounds should have made it clear she wasn’t a threat.

>> They should know signs of dementia. They know every side effect of drug use, they should know mental health as well. I’m going home is something I heard my grandpa say many many times.

>> Repetitive and disjointed speach, no sense of surroundings , inability to ascertain a situation. Clear signs of mental illness. Maybe drug abuse. But that’s a grandma who lost her marbles and is in need of help, not policing.

>> Attempting to delete body cam footage? That’s corruption at its core. Punching down and chest bumping during and after the incident infuriates me. Glad justice was served on the police for misconduct.

The most disgusting thing is their happy tone the entire time. They became police to harm people without fear of reprisal and accountability. Think how many more of them there are.
I didnt know that trying to pay for items you forgot to pay for and having the items taken back and then leaving counted as stealing, attempting to steal or warranted being tackled.
Scary how much fun he was having and how condescending he was to the citizen that confronted him
This situation boils my blood as former LEO. I was giving the officers the benefit of the doubt at the beginning. No way they could know she had dementia and she wasn’t a habitual shop lifter. But the way treated her without any medical attention and she laid on that bench in pain while they watched the body cam footage and celebrated the arrest of a 5 foot 80 lbs grandma, is disgusting. The reason they watch the footage was because of that concerned person witnessing the excessive force so they could come up with an excuse if he filed a complaint.
Something similar happened in my town. They arrested her and then released her in the middle of the night with no phone or care. She was found wandering the streets by her family a day later

Dash Cam Catches Cop Lying and Falsely Arresting Veteran

Cop really falsely accused someone because he got honked at, then rear ends them, Then strips their rights away, and causes a traumatic event. What a lovely display of justice

I love how he admitted he had seen someone doing somthing wrong and then stopped perusing the person speeding because his ego was hurt, these the kind of people we let “police”

OMG, he started off with a lie. Telling dispatch the driver slammed on his brakes in front of him. Did the lying ass trooper forget he’s being recorded. He needs to be fired immediately!!

Detainee: invokes his right to silence
Officer: “he wants to continue to yell at me!”

It so creepy how comfortable the officer seems while spinning this lie. Hes a professional at it. Sad that we have these dirty officers out there. When an officer lies like this they should be fired immediately.

This is why we must start looking at hiring practices of officers. As a therapist that deals with clinical psychology, there are many personalities that do not belong in the police department. I question that he is one of those people. He is about power, he had no qualms to lie immediately to get his way. This is a bad Officer. Police need to hire professional to deal with the psychology of hiring an officer, or this is what you get. Very sad and very dangerous.

“I’m just doing my job”

Obviously…this dude is the reason why people have a hard time trusting cops. I understand that traffic stops are the most dangerous for police officers, but this guy put people’s lives in danger.

When police officers do stuff like this I understand why some people are afraid of cops

It honestly terrifies me to think about what has been done in the past WITHOUT cameras recording.

I feel so bad for the chick in the car that has to sit through this officer’s bs and even more that shes is apologizing to him and even more that she should know to plead the 5th to not give the cop any ground in court

This makes my blood boil. The cop literally lied by saying “he’s still back there yelling and cursing” fucking unbelievable. I don’t think I could’ve remained so calm

This cop put people in danger over his ego, plain and simple. Departments really need to do better sociological evaluations. The fact this this guy carries a gun is scary.

“This guy was exercising his fourth amendment right to express his frustration at me so I had to put him in cuffs.”

“This is yet ANOTHER encounter where an officer attempted to criminalize behavior that their EGO could not tolerate”
Well said, and the amount of these i have watched where a cop’s ego is a major factor in the encounter is very disturbing.
We don’t just need the bad ones weeded out, but a better job done in the screening process to determine if people like this should be given the job in the first place.

Who knew these “brave” cops were so fragile and could be threatened by curse words. Pathetic.

When a retail employee is expected to have more emotional control while dealing with belligerent people than cops, there’s a problem.

This is exactly the kind of person that will end up wrongfully shooting someone and trying to blame it on them. He should be fired, sued and never allowed to carry a badge again. I support all good cops but this is not one of them. I’m very curious to see what happens with their lawsuit and I hope you will do an update about it.

This cop is a clown. Rips a guy out of his car and then says he needs to start acting like a human being. Constantly interrupts the wife to tell her she’s interrupting then says nothing.

This is soo sad that you still have cops that clearly just joined the force to be a bully .

“When he wants to calm down and act like a human being…” I will attack another person physically if my feelings are hurt and I’m trying to force them to accept my authority but they are the ones not acting like a human being!

This is a classic case of why cops having dash cams and body cams is so important. The video was able to provide proof the officer was lying. Also the victim got citations when he did nothing wrong. But honk of course. Not sure if there is a fine for honking at a police officer who makes an unsafe turn in front of you. I don’t think a police officer lying to fellow officers and on the police report to railroad a citizen who did nothing wrong but honk at him is the conduct of a good officer. I hope he can get his citations taken off his record, get his money back he had to pay. Also have this officer held accountable for his actions. If he is not held accountable and gets away with lying, then he will continue to do so. Future citizens will suffer as a result as well as making his fellow officers and police force look bad by association and for covering up for him.

Damn this cop is screwed even admitting on camera he arrested him for cussing. Biggest issue with police in the US is utter lack of knowledge. Honestly my AIT was 9 months in order to work on aircraft but in a few weeks time you can have a gun in order to enforce laws you have no knowledge of. I would require at least a BS in law in order to become a police officer. Think it would greatly reduce the criminal in blue aspects of so called law enforcement

For anyone who missed it, the second trooper asks Wingo “Are you hot?” to see if they are being recorded. He knew it looked bad and his primary concern was covering for another officer.

Just another example of “one bad apple spoiling the bunch”, or a “thin blue line” culture that protects criminals in uniform over law-abiding citizens?

The officer asking “Are you hot?” is a clear indication that their conversation would have gone ENTIRELY differently had there not been any recording devices active. This conduct is indicative of a blatant disregard for the truth in favor of using their power irresponsibly to fulfill personal agendas.

First off, I’m not a cop. The thing that most everyone seems to overlook is the fact that our US supreme court passed a law in 1974 that states that an officer of the law may lie to a perp in order to get the perp to admit to a crime and there will be no charges or anything at all brought against the police officer for lying. So essencially our supreme court has made every police officer in these United States a LIER!! The only thing that can be done is abolish that law and make all policemen accountable for their actions and make it against the law for them to ever lie to the “PERP”!! There will be no trust in our police force until this law is changed and enforced.

This cop needs to be fired and get sued for falsifying evidence to arrest veteran.
Abolish Qualified Immunity.
You can clearly see the cop hit the veteran.

“There’s no need for the 5th” is easily the slimiest shit a cop can ever say.

Cop who just hit there car: “I’m trying to get him to calm down he’s yelling at me for no reason”

Guy who’s relatively calm for someone who was just rear ended: “i want your name and badge number”

Can you imagine the amount of dirt that was swept under the rug when they didn’t wear cameras and didn’t have a camera phone in every pocket?

This cop is completely out of touch with reality. He says this dude needs to calm down and act like an adult human being. Meanwhile, this cop is a childish bully. Another dangerous mental reject with a badge.

He gets mad because someone honked at him, just imagine how mad he gets in other situations. Absolute egotistical controlling maniac.

I love how the coo keeps stating,”he want to keep yelling and cussing me out” all he said was “you f’ing hit my car” once and never swore after and didn’t even yell after that

Another police officer believes he can do anything to a citizen. We do not need these men in law enforcement.

Wow i can’t believe how blatantly he’s ling even though he knows the dash cam is rolling. Just imagine how they treat citizens when there is no video going. What a joke.

As a veteran, this idiot’s brush off of the wife telling him her husband had PTSD makes me want to send my whole VFW membership after him. This guy is a terrible cop 5x over, and anyone that wants to argue the other things he did were worse, I’d be willing to agree.. but man that pisses me off

It’s so disgusting how the law enforcement officers can lie so easily and think nothing of it. Thank God there is video evidence that spoke the truth of what really happened. And if this officer feels he has the right to pull someone out of the car like that handcuffed them and throw them in the back of the car because his feelings are hurt he needs retraining his feelings count for nothing it’s the law that counts for everything

The word of the year is “accountability”. The guy that got pulled over was holding his officer accountable right there on the spot and the officer didn’t want to hear it.

“He wants to continue to yell at me for no reason” – after he calmly asks for badge number and name – thank goodness for cameras – finally catching some of the BS that goes on out here

As an Arkansan, I can fully verify that this, as well as the many other videos of Arkansas law enforcement posted here, is exactly how Arkansas law enforcement acts on a daily basis. Sense of superiority, flagrant abuse of power, shaming citizens with whom they interact, rarely reprimanding their own. It’s systemic and deeply troubling.

This hits a nerve with me being I’m a fellow disabled combat veteran with PTSD. Mr Donner was super chill compared to what he could really do when actually upset I’m sure.

“you gonna let me talk or interrupt me the entire time?” after the wife explains his severe PTSD. this cop is appalling.

.. I would like to see how this story unravels. They definitely have a case if they pursue it properly.

It’s hard to seek justice when the same people who are suppose to exercise our faith in justice are actually the people destroying our trust in it.

When he said “until he can act like a human being” I almost threw up. This man had a full blown temper tantrum because he was gonna get in trouble for hitting someone’s car, and took it out on innocent people. This man has no place in civilized society

The only thing I can conclude is: These type of officers never had any “control” in their life. All seem to have mommy issues, rough relationships/no relationships, and get a “high” at work when they get to use their powers. Most of these people- look forward to coming into work. Sheesh. They all need help.

As someone who lives in a free country in Europe, I can’t imagine what it must be like to constantly live under this kind of corruption and tyranny. I hope one day Americans can become actually free, rather than the make believe freedom they live in now.

I use to support the police. However, when I realized that videos like these are uploaded more then once per day and lawsuits are filed daily as well. These lawsuits, if ending up in the victims favor, will not effect the officer one bit as it then becomes the responsibility of the tax payer.

Qualified immunity has got to go, until then law enforcement officials will feel like they can do anything they want.

In addition, being able to plunder people’s treasures during a highway robbery committed by police who simply only need say “this person, whom I know nothing about, shouldn’t have this much money or valuables, they are drug dealers even though I have zero evidence of this” has also gotta go and it’s embarrassing that I even have to say this.

This is insane to me. How does these officers get away with that stuff? I wonder what happened before cameras? Bc if they’d do this on camera? I’d hate to see what they’d do off camera

It’s amazing how many officers seem to take the sound of a car horn personally even when they block the road or drive recklessly. Road rage is not exactly what you want in a police interaction.

This state trooper has zero integrity and all his cases should be reexamined. Willing to blatantly lie on camera and to fellow officers is sickening.

The way the officer opened his door just because he cussed is an immediate sign that he has anger issues and a fragile ego. These people CANNOT be in law enforcement. This is the problem

The audacity he has to say “calm down and act like a human being”. Wow. Just wow. After he pounced on that man like he was some wild animal and wrestled him out of his car to put him in handcuffs and then throw him in the backseat.