Bannon’s Ouster, the Latest Episode in a Show about Nothing

Steve Bannon has vowed “war” against Rupert Murdoch, Matt Drudge, and his enemies in the Trump White House. Sure, sure. Bannon claims to hate the media, but he sure likes providing the rep-tie-wearing Washington press corps with entertaining plot twists and new-season teasers. We don’t need political writers to cover this. We need reality-TV-show recappers and gossip columnists. We need WWE scriptwriters. In Political Skirmishes,

.. So here’s the next season of Populist Revolt, the new series on and talk radio. The pitch is “Let Trump be Trump.” Our merry band of editors and radio gabbers are going to save Trump and Trumpism from the administration that Donald Trump picked for himself. Will anyone notice that “Let Trump be Trump” is a stale reprise of a 1980s plot of “Let Reagan be Reagan”? Probably not. Well, anyway, Bannon is better at the stagecraft these days.

Spirituality of Letting Go

Living in this consumer-driven world, we are all deeply infected by what some call “affluenza,” a toxic and blinding disease with the basic assumption that more is always better and more of self is always good.

.. Immature religion creates people who know what they are against, but have a very poor sense of what they are for. They are against sin, always as they narrowly define it; but they are seldom for love or actually for anything except the status quo where they think they are in control.