BRICS plan to be based on Keynes’ Bancorp idea

Appears more viable than expected

It appears as though the BRICS plan is more viable than expected, as it is based on Keynes’ Bancorp idea (with unknown variances).  (Source: Jim Rickards: informed speculation)


  • Yesterday I talked to Bryan about the upcoming BRICS meeting in Johannesburg and I said that China will never want to back the new BRICS currency with gold because they won’t want to limit their “money printing.”


  • Today I listened to a Jim Richards interview suggesting that Russia has developed a very smart plan in which each country keeps their own currencies, but the countries will use a common currency to settle international transactions between each other.


  • This plan is based on the Bancorp plan that Keynes proposed at Bretton Woods (with some possible tweaks).  There is not necessarily expected to be a large immediate effect, but Rickards said he expects the dollar to gradually lose value to gold over time and the demand for US Treasuries to decrease.
  • Rather than backing the currency with gold or commodities, the BRICS settlement currency (or whatever it is called) will be pegged to a reference weight of gold (rather than price). This means that no country has to own any actual gold – it’s just a reference value that is simpler to calculate than it would be if they used various commodities, including oil. 1
The BRICS Meeting in South Africa is scheduled for Tuesday August 22.
  • Victoria Nuland is expected to pay South Africa a visit to dissuade them from doing this.

  1. Rickards mentioned that Keynes initially wanted to use commodities in the Bancor, but the problem is that they are not fungible –there are many grades of things like wheat and oil. I recall Rickard saying: When people go down the path of a commodity-based unit of account, they eventually standardize on gold. It has more of the other properties of money than other commodities .

Can you Critique Dr. Fauci without Criticizing “Science”?

Conflict of Interest

The Public Health leadership may be well-meaning, but they sometimes conflate criticism of their leadership with criticism of “Science.”

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci said: Attacks on me quite frankly are attacks on science , and
  • Dr. Peter Hotez escalated this type of rhetoric, describing what he calls: anti-science aggression,


  • This post doesn’t criticize the science of vaccines, rather it argues that people have legitimate suspicions that American Public Health Leadership have made significant mistakes and covered them up.
  • Rather than these cover-ups serving to protect the institution of “Science,” public health leadership has protected themselves, while perpetuating the very distrust of Science and frontline medical personnel their invocation of “authority” was seeking to dispel.

The Twitter Files showed that Establishment prefers to suppress opposition via censorship. This has resulted in Liberals and “the educated” being the people slowest to learn of contrary information, as it takes time for the information to surface in establishment media, if it ever does at all.1 
I compiled this list for those who are unaware of the legitimate critiques of the American public health leadership relating to Covid-19, with the hope that sunlight is the best disinfectant. [Read more…]

  1. Establishment media is very quick to cover anything related to Trump (whether justifiied or not), but there seems to be a concern that holding the establishment accountable is unimportant, or even that it might help Trump.  In the long term, the unaccountability of the establishment creates the tinder that demagogues burn.

How to Download YouTube Videos using Python

Every once in a while I see a YouTube video that I fear is significant enough that it may be censored or deleted at a future date.

Such is the case with my recent post about Jeffrey Sach’s interview with Bloomberg :

Interview Bloomberg “Surveillance” : Jeffery Sachs:  10/03/202

Interview Starts @ 1:51:21  | Read original blog post.




  • If you don’t have the technical skills, YouTube’s Premium subscription gives you access to do this.



  • But if you have a little programming savvy, you can use a program that I’ve used to do my CiteIt transcripts.
  • In this example we are assuming you have Python and pip installed. (pip is included in Python 3.4+)

[Read more…]

Tributes to Glen Campbell: musician and guitar virtuoso, who performed publicly with Alzheimers

Yesterday, I found some really positive comments online about Glen Campbell and and saw a sad and inspiring movie about him:


1) Public Alzheimer’s diagnosis:


2) Talented Musician, admired by famous guitarists

One Quora poster said that Country music has a reputation for being “overly simplistic,” (as compared to rock) but commenters overwhelmingly replied that some of the most famous rock guitarists have been big fans of Campbell’s.


Here are examples of his guitar playing, including a performance in his later years.

3) Watch Documentary: