This one poll finding is a big problem for Democrats

The vast majority of Americans now think the Democratic Party is not “in touch with the concerns of most people in the United States.”

.. The current number — only 28 percent think the party is in touch — has been noted elsewhere, and that number is concerning enough on its own: It’s 10 percentage points less than the number of people who think Trump is in touch and 4 percent less than the number who think the GOP is

.. In 2014, 48 percent of voters felt the party was “in touch,” a 20-percentage-point collapse in just three years.

.. three quarters of independents and nearly half of Democrats think the party is out of touch

.. the nomination of Hillary Clinton as the Democrats’ new standard bearer was one factor.

.. Some obvious places to start include expanding Social Security, increasing infrastructure spending across the country and lowering prescription drug prices.

.. The Democratic Party’s problems run somewhat deeper at the state level, which cannot be ignored, but nationally it will not take much for Democrats to recapture one or both houses of Congress by the end of Trump’s term.