Diane Rehm Show: Code of Conduct

Be civil. We’re all here to take part in a conversation. If you want to be heard — and not banned — keep your posts on topic without resorting to threats, obscenities, racism, sexism, or anything else offensive.

Be original. No plagiarism, please. If you want to quote someone, quote away! Just be sure to give credit when it’s due.

Be yourself. Impersonators are not welcome, even if that’s your shtick.

Be skeptical. There’s a reason our lawyers make a point of saying we don’t endorse the content other people post here. Just because someone says it, does not make it true! Read at your own risk.

Don’t spam, don’t solicit. Spammers are never welcome. Ditto any sort of soliciting or commercial activity. We have a block tool for a reason.