As Chuck Schumer Goes, So Goes the Iran Deal
According to Bob Dole, either the “shortest distance” or the “most dangerous place” in Washington, D.C. “is between Chuck Schumer and a television camera.” The senior senator from New York and minority-leader-in-waiting has such a penchant for bombast that it seems noteworthy when he says something understated.
.. “If Schumer comes out and says, ‘I looked at the bill and studied its details and think it’s a good deal and will stop Iran from getting weapons,’ there will be zero hope of overriding an Obama veto,” Noah Pollak, the executive director of the Emergency Committee for Israel, told The Hill on Tuesday.
.. Before the particulars of the deal had even seen the light of day, Senator Lindsey Graham was already pushing Schumer to commit to killing the agreement. “Chuck Schumer is supposed to be the guardian of Israel. He goes around everywhere and says, ‘My name is Schumer. It means guardian of Israel,’”