A Harvey Weinstein Operative Played Another Role

Woman said to work undercover for the film mogul identified as also having dogged an insurer’s critic

 “Diana Filip,” Israeli undercover operative, meet “Diana Ilic.”

A private investigator reported to be working undercover on behalf of film mogul Harvey Weinstein was identified by two people as the same woman that The Wall Street Journal reported over the summer had used a different alias to wring information out of a critic of a large U.S. insurer.

The woman in the Journal article had given her name as “Diana Ilic.” The New Yorker, in an article published Monday about Mr. Weinstein’s use of private investigators to counter probes into his alleged sexual abuse, named “Diana Filip” as a pseudonym used by an operative for Black Cube, an Israeli investigative firm.
.. The email address “Diana Ilic” used with Mr. Irons linked to a domain name established a few days before the meeting.  The London address for her consulting firm turned out to be a mailbox drop.