Cops arrested him for filming in public, but things took a bizarre turn when the case went to court


The arrest of a Texas cop watcher for filming in public is the most recent chilling example of how law enforcement across the country is attempting to roll back auditors’ First Amendment rights. Jack Miller, also known as Texas Sheepdog, was filming outside the Olmos Park, Texas, City Hall when police arrested and charged him with multiple crimes. The ensuing five-day trial and jury verdict reveal that citizens’ ability to film in public is facing new obstacles and concerted pushback from the government.



He should have immediately filed an appeal and had his sentence stayed a federal judge would have looked at that video and put a halt to the entire sentence
Assault on a Police Officer? He never touched them. Or Is hurting their fragile feelings by cursing at them a Federal Offense?
Maybe if the police stopped making frivolous arrest, they wouldn’t have to worry about charges being dropped. The police need to know and understand the law!
…Let me get this straight. He went out to film a PSA about not threatening cops, only to have the cops brutally assault him trying to help cops. The Irony in this story is off the charts. 📈🤦🏿
It would be interesting to hear the jury instructions. Should be appealed.
I have to believe that that jury had no idea what they were doing I saw nothing of what they charged him with.
This is a prime example of how our justice system is not about right or wrong but about money and power and ego’s
I’m surprised they aren’t drug testing you twice per day! (They charge you $30.00 each time!) Its a money racket… Financial extortion! Probation is far worse than serving the time … (Never accept probation!) – Michael B. Saari for Michigan State Senate 2022
He needs to get himself a lawyer who knows what the law is. Being a retired lawyer I cannot believe that he was convicted
how in the hell did a trial get the majority of the the jurors to have a guilty plea? it is SUPER clear to me that he wasnt resisting, and VERY clear that he did not attack a police officer and the fact that it was a toy gun not an actual fire arm means how did they tack on a fire arm charge with no fire arm? this sounds EXTREMLY fishy to me ( meaning like corruption )
>> Yeah, the gun charges got me as well… isn’t this in an open carry state and that was a toy rifle SLUNG over his back? Not very menacing.
Weaponized law enforcement. Imagine that.
I’m wondering how a jury can find you guilty of resisting arrest when there was no crime committed. Resisting arrest is a secondary charge. I would say I want another jury trial with new jury members, as seeing as those jurors must be incredibly incompetent. There was no crime to begin with, so how was resisting arrest of a crime that was never committed? 2nd Amendment? That’s not a crime. Blocking a pathway? Didnt see him blocking anyone. And assault on a peace officer!?!?!? Where in this video does it show this man lay a single finger on these cops!?!?!?!? Except maybe he pulled away from them when THEY TRIED TO GRAB HIM!!! And they tackled him to the ground, pulled his arm behind his back essentially breaking it to where he needed surgery 2 days later, hes laying there crying in pain, and they charged him with Assault on a peace officer!?!?!? Get the fuck outta here dude!!! So even though he had a fake gun (Even if real, we still have 2nd amendment), was not blocking a single person on the sidewalk, didnt commit a crime at all, and was the one brutally tackled to the ground and had his arm broken, he is still somehow found guilty on all charges? What video did these jurors see, because I see the complete opposite of these charges. Once again, to recap… Fake Gun, blocking no one’s movement, didnt lay a single finger on either of those cops, no crime committed, and being the victim of assault and battery and hes still charged with disorderly (Possibly Brandishing with intent to harm), blocking pathway, assault on peace officer, and resisting arrest!?!?!?!?!? What kind of a system are we in where we find our fellow man guilty at the hands of the corrupts crimes? I’m scared to live in this society. I dont want today’s corruption and abuse to be my future….

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Defense attorney Robert J. Campos demonstrates how to assert your legal rights at a border stop #2

This is an interview of Jess Torres, a former Arizona D.P.S. Highway Patrol Officer and former Scottsdale City Police Officer. This video helps explain more in depth what occurred when we were both stopped at the “border” inspection station just north of Tubac, Arizona.

Many viewers had questions about the stop and thoughts about what we should or should not have done. Some believed that it was error for us to proceed to the secondary stop area. Others believed that I should never have exited my vehicle. I had a lot of viewers wonder if Jess spoke to the Agents and that is why we were allowed to proceed on our way.

I am aware that there are other videos where people take a very aggressive stand and refuse to move to the secondary stop area or refuse to get out of their vehicles. I have had people comment that I complied too easily and that, in effect, I “lost” the encounter with border patrol. My video was not intended to display a “victory.” It is intended to show how to assert your Fifth Amendment Rights and that as citizens we do not have to comply with illegal orders. The law is never black and white. There is a lot of grey area when it comes to the scope of the stop and the time border patrol can keep you detained. These issues have not been fully litigated before our Supreme Court. However, I do not recommend that a citizen ever physically resist a command by law enforcement.

All I ask is that you please do some homework and not blindly accept that these “border” stops are a legitimate efforts to stop illegal migrants or that it works. I have been a prosecutor and defense attorney for 31 years and I have seen how law enforcement can abuse its authority if we let them, and do not speak out. I respect police officers, but we also deserve respect as citizens.

These border stops are an excuse to conduct drug interdiction. The Constitution provides that a person cannot be stopped unless an officer has a reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed. These stops allow everyone to be stopped without any stated reason. But you still have the right to refuse to answer questions. Jess answers many questions about what is really going on at these “border” stops. Remember, we are not near an actual border.

For those of you who believe that these stops are working, I ask that you read the articles that I have attached below. Currently, as of April 2019, border patrol is busing migrants straight to Tucson, which is just north of this stop, and dropping migrants into the city. Which begs the question of why even bother to stop people and ask the ridiculous question, “Are you a citizen?” Is it so that border patrol can then give you a free bus ride into the city?

The ACLU has attempted to get statistics from the government on the effectiveness of these stops. The government refuses to provide any information. But I have attached a good article about this issue and what a federal magistrate thinks about the government’s position.

Border patrol agents have abused the rights of citizens and mistreated many people at these stops. I have attached an article about a minister who was severely beaten. He won his court case and the judge and jurors all applauded his brave decision to assert his rights. Our own former Governor, Raul Castro, was stopped, detained and mistreated.

After 31 years of courtroom litigation, I firmly believe that the government will strip away your rights if you fail to assert your Constitutional Rights. I am aware that it is much easier to just go along. But this is a dangerous precedent to set. I decided to assert my rights. Every American must make their own independent decision.

What exactly is a white knight narcissist? How does it differ from a covert?

White knight narcissists are a subset of covert narcissists that display more traits in common with overt narcissists than a typical covert narcissist.

Say that fast three times.

Sound confusing? Let’s break this down.

Narcissists share some common characteristics.

They may believe they are superior, special, entitled, and worthy of admiration and envy. They may be arrogant and exploitative in their relationships. They have no or low levels of empathy. They may fantasize about extreme success, power, attractiveness, etc.

I say may because narcissists vary in the number and severity of criteria they have.

All narcissists require narcissistic supply. They get supply in 2 ways:

  1. Ingratiation – Praise, admiration, respect, validation, attention
  2. Aggression – Devaluing others

What makes narcissists different is how they show these characteristics and how they choose to get supply.

Overt narcissists tend to openly express their beliefs of being superior, special, and entitled. They make these beliefs obvious.

Covert narcissists, on the other hand, have learned that people often don’t like those who feel superior, special, and entitled. So, while covert narcissists feel that way on the inside, they don’t show those beliefs to the world.

Overt narcissists tend to be flashy, successful, even wealthy. They get a lot of supply through ingratiation. Others admire and respect them – even want to be them. They receive attention through who they date, the cars they drive, their career success, and their looks.

They also get supply by exerting power and control over others. This contributes to their image of success, their persona.

Typical covert narcissists are less likely to be particularly educated, successful, or high earners. They largely get narcissistic supply through the attention of their flying monkeys by making themselves the victim or the hero in every story. When they’re very skilled, they are both victim and hero.

Covert narcissists also receive supply through aggression, also known as devaluation. Their devaluation techniques are often VERY subtle – passive aggressive putdowns, weaponized incompetence, undermining your success, sabotage, and gaslighting.

White knight narcissists are an interesting variation.

They know that their exaggerated self-importance, entitlement, arrogance, need for admiration, lack of empathy, and exploitative behaviors are perceived as negative to most people.

They adapt a persona that masks those beliefs. This makes them covert.

The way they get supply, however, is quite different.

The white knight narcissist is often in a position of power and respect due to their perceived altruism. They may…

  • Volunteer a lot
  • Run and fund programs to serve the community
  • Make large donations to charity
  • Lead non-profits
  • Offer to help others move, do yard work, do home projects

The white knight narcissist is smart, educated, successful, powerful, and often wealthy. They receive a great deal of attention for using these gifts for good.

Their false narrative paints them the hero in their stories – maybe even the unaware victim who is giving and generous to a fault. The white narcissist does not openly play the victim.

They do subtly ensure their good deeds are noticed. Their donations of time and other resources are not anonymous.

Contrast the covert narcissist.

The typical covert narcissist tends to come off as not so smart, easily taken advantage of, friendly, compassionate, a people-pleaser, and someone unwilling to rock the boat. They get attention by being the victim. Their false narrative is a sob story – their childhood, their past relationships, their job. They get reassurance and validation when they are down on themselves, or share that others are.

Covert narcissists fantasize about being the hero white knight narcissists present themselves to be.