Phil Vischer: Christians and Culture with Miroslav Volf (Episode 275)

The world is a gift from God, and like a pen given by one’s father, it has special significance, because it came from him. (20 min)

The importance of marginality.  Christianity started out on the margins (29 min)

In the process of wanting to shape politics and culture, they misshape themselves.

Attempts to take over culture must result in a parody of the Kingdom of God. (31 min)

I don’t think there is a single stance that Christians should make in regards to culture because culture is varied.

Love of enemy is so fundamental to the Christian faith that if one takes it out of Christianity, it is no longer Christian.  (35 min)

Christianity functions as a club; and faith in Christ is becoming irrelevant.  It doesn’t shape how you act.

Jesus Christ has become a moral stranger – a guy who we don’t think is good for us.

We want what he gives us but we do not know what to do with his demands.

Before: Church: no, but Christ: yes

Now: reject Christ

Phil Vischer: Episode 276: Media, Mars & Read Schuchardt

I saw it is the outsider that has a perception that the insider doesn’t has. The outsider advantage

(52 min)


10 kids, no TV, no cell phone, no internet.  Life with the Amish?  A zombie apocalypse?  Nope – just another day in the life of Read Schuchardt, a professor of media ecology who definitely practices what he preaches!  Plus, Phil and Skye discuss a new “giant sucking sound” in American demographics and Phil, yet again, attempts to convince us we really, REALLY don’t want to live on Mars.  

Phil Vischer: Episoode 278: Writing Hymns & Singing Together with Keith Getty

It wasn’t until the ___ century that women in London could go out shopping without their husbands and ride an elevator with a female elevator operator. (22:30 min)

This is the first generation where the new music isn’t being curated by the church, but determined by Wall Street (what is popular) (49 min)