Salary Negotiation: Make More Money, Be More Valued

Hoping around the offer also helps you defuse common negotiating tactics like “I have to go to $EXTERNAL_AUTHORITY to get approval of that.”  (This is in the negotiation playbook, because it works well: it injects an automatic delay in the process, and gives you a scapegoat for refusing a request while not being guilty of the refusal yourself.  You should strongly consider having an $EXTERNAL_AUTHORITY of your own.  Significant others work well.  Note that in the US your would-be employer is legally prohibited from breathing about the subject of your marital status, so something like “We’ll have to talk that over” or “That sounds reasonable, but I’ll have to run it by the family” has the dual virtues of being a socially acceptable reason to delay any major decision while also being equally available to unattached young’uns.  I talk shop with my family all the time.  I’ll certainly continue discussing employment with my family after it includes my fiancee, too.)