Ranking Churches: Where Does God Appear Most Frequently

“It’s one of the real black marks on the history of higher education that an entire industry that’s supposedly populated by the best minds in the country—theoretical physicists, writers, critics—is bamboozled by a third-rate news magazine.” He shook his head in disgust. “They do almost a parody of real research,” he continued. “I joke that the next thing they’ll do is rank churches. You know, ‘Where does God appear most frequently? How big are the pews?’ ”

Walmart provides GMROII data to its suppliers

Indeed, inventory is often the 2nd most expensive thing for retailers to operate. And, in the case of Walmart, their large stores stock as many as 200,000 items!

.. Through Retail Link, Walmart essentially gives suppliers all of their sell through data by SKU, by hour, by store. They also give vendors on-hand inventory by SKU, as well as gross margin achieved, inventory turns, in-stock %, and yes, the metric of GMROII! Essentially, Walmart has created a vendor managed inventory system where they let you the supplier decide where to put SKUs and how to ship through to stores.