An Open Letter to Working Women: We need to do more than “Lean In.” We need to lead.

  • Women are negotiating as often as men, but face more push back when they do
  • Women get less access to senior leaders
  • Women ask for feedback as often as men – but are less likely to receive it
  • .. Prioritize projects that make your boss’s job easier and ensures his/her success.
  • Know your audience. Align your priorities with those of your leadership. If you have multiple projects on your plate, make sure to do the one that serves your boss first and/or the highest-ranking person first.


1.      Stop touting your ability to do low-level tasks. 

  • Great at taking notes? Are you a superfast typist? How about grammar and spelling? Do you see where I’m going with this?
  • Promoting yourself as a great note-taker will reinforce your role as a supporting player.
  • If you are interested in leadership, best to keep your note-taking skills on the down-low and focus on your high-level skills.
  • .. career success is based on 3 key factors: Performance, Image and Exposure (“PIE”).
  • Performance only accounts for 10% of the PIE. Image is 30% and Exposure . . . the other 60%. See “promote yourself” above for more details.

..  Stop apologizing

  • An apology can be a powerful tool when you’ve done something wrong, but it should not be used when you are doing the following:

– Stating your opinion

– Confronting a challenge or dissent

– Standing up for someone

– Disagreeing