Why Is the U.S. Perpetually Short of Nurses?

Generally speaking, those who are qualified to teach and train nurses can make more money by actually working as nurses.

.. Academics describe the nursing workforce as “countercyclical,” meaning that nurses tend to enter the labor market when the overall economy is doing poorly, and to leave the market when the economy is better. One reason for that pattern, according to the authors of the N.E.J.M. article, is that the nursing workforce consists overwhelmingly of married women. Registered nurses “who were not working or were working part-time may rejoin the workforce or change to full-time status to bolster their household’s economic security,” they write.

How Capital Crushed Labor: Pat Buchanan

Does the cost of production here in America alone explain the decline in manufacturing and stagnation of workers’ wages?

No. For since the Revolution, America has had a standard of living that has been the envy of the world. From the Civil War through the 1920s, as we became the greatest manufacturing power the world had ever seen, our workers enjoyed pay and benefits that were unmatched anywhere.

Yet our exports in those decades were double our imports, and our trade surpluses annually added 4 percent to the gross national product. How did we do it?

We taxed the products of foreign factories and workers and used the revenue to finance the government. We imposed tariffs of up to 40 percent on foreign goods entering our market and used the tariff money to keep taxes low in the United States.

.. What happened to this idea that made America a self-sufficient republic, producing almost all it consumed, a nation that could stay out of the world wars as long as she wished and crush the greatest powers in Europe and Asia in less than four years after she went in?

Are Labor Unions Going Down For the Count?

Fully 50% of all compensation now is earned by the top one-tenth of all Americans. By contrast, workers’ real wages have now decreased some 13% in real terms since Jimmy Carter was president.

On the other hand, working people in Europe’s democracies face nothing comparable. Economic times are just as tough but unions are still an integral part of society and the political process. In a sense they benefit from a long tradition exemplified in a social contract—a bond of respect among labor, government, business and farmers.