S3Stat: The Cheap Bastard Plan

The Cheap Bastard Plan

Software is expensive. As makers of the most costly (and only) integrated web statistics package for Cloudfront and Amazon S3, we can certainly sympathize. Many organizations that leverage the global content delivery power of Amazon Web Services simply cannot afford to pay $10/month for a service like S3STAT.

We want to let you know that we understand your plight, and as such, we are now offering our Cheap Bastard Plan to accommodate such hardship cases. Read the instructions below and decide if the Cheap Bastard Plan is right for you!

How It Works

  1. Sign up for a Free Trial and try out the product (making sure you actually want to use it)
  2. Blog about S3STAT, explaining to the world how awesome the product is, and how generous we are being to give it to a deadbeat like yourself for free.
  3. Send us an email showing us where to find that blog post.
  4. Get Hooked Up with a free, unlimited license for S3STAT.

To Charm Trump, Paul Manafort Sold Himself as an Affordable Outsider

Paul Manafort is the rarest of professional pitchmen: one who knows how to sell to a salesman.

.. The letters and memos provide a telling glimpse into how Mr. Trump invited an enigmatic international fixer ..  to the apex of his campaign with a minimum of vetting. The answer? Through family and friends, handshakes and hyperbole.

.. the memos that described Mr. Manafort in terms that Mr. Trump would like, calling him “the most experienced and lethal of managers” and “a killer.”

.. Manafort urged the recalcitrant candidate to restrain his attacks on fellow Republicans, to stick to a script and, above all, to spend more money on organizing and ads.

.. Mr. Trump thought Mr. Manafort was not tough enough

.. He began by telling the candidate he lived on an upper floor of Trump Tower. This was no trivial point: It signaled his wealth and a willingness to work 15-hour days in a building that housed both his lavish apartment and Mr. Trump’s bare-bones campaign. It also meant Mr. Manafort had already put his money — in the form of an apartment purchase — into Mr. Trump’s brand, which meant a lot to the candidate, a transactional developer and politician, aides said.

Mr. Manafort’s friendship with Mr. Barrack, the private equity investor, helped, too. Mr. Barrack, who did not respond to a request for comment, is one of the few people whom Mr. Trump trusts.

.. Mr. Manafort cast himself as a onetime insider who had turned on the establishment — and a tough guy who would go after Mr. Trump’s harshest critics among the Republican elite.

.. At one point, he described Karl Rove, a former adviser to George W. Bush who was organizing an anti-Trump effort, as “my blood enemy in politics, going back to the College in the 1960s.”

.. a bitter fight for leadership of the College Republicans that pitted a candidate backed by Mr. Manafort and his close friend Roger Stone, a longtime Trump confidant, against Mr. Rove and Lee Atwater.

.. cast himself as a warrior against the party’s conservatives, even at a time when Mr. Trump was reaching out to the right wing and courting evangelical Christians

.. “I have had to confront the Extreme Right, Tea Party, Rush Limbaughs etc.”

Free Tuition Is Not the Answer

Last year, the average cost of tuition and fees was $9,139 at four-year state schools and $31,231 at private nonprofits. Any policy reducing tuition to zero would primarily benefit students whose families earn the most, who currently pay all or nearly all of a school’s full tuition price because they can afford to.

.. These loan programs merit closer scrutiny because the government extended about $96 billion in student loans last year, and $1.2 trillion in loans are currently outstanding.