Python REST APIs With Flask, Connexion, and SQLAlchemy

The goal of this article is to show you how to use Python 3, Flask, and Connexion to build useful REST APIs that can include input and output validation, and provide Swagger documentation as a bonus. Also included is a simple but useful single page web application that demonstrates using the API with JavaScript and updating the DOM with it.

The REST API you’ll be building will serve a simple people data structure where the people are keyed to the last name, and any updates are marked with a new timestamp.

This data could be represented in a database, saved in a file, or be accessible through some network protocol, but for us an in-memory data structure works fine. One of the purposes of an API is to decouple the data from the application that uses it, hiding the data implementation details.

The Flask Mega-Tutorial Part XIX: Deployment on Docker Containers

This is the nineteenth installment of the Flask Mega-Tutorial series, in which I’m going to deploy Microblog to the Docker container platform.

For your reference, below is a list of the articles in this series.

Deploy a Flask Application with Dokku

Dokku is a self-hosted Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that makes deploying applications simple using Git. Although Dokku’s implementation is similar to Heroku, it lacks certain key features such as auto-scaling. Dokku is an extremely powerful tool that automatically runs your application inside Docker and requires minimal configuration of web servers.

This guide demonstrates how to:

  • Create a Flask application that returns ‘Hello World!’ on the index page
  • Install Dokku on a Linode
  • Deploy a Flask application with a WSGI server inside a Docker container
  • Add an SSL certificate through Dokku with the Let’s Encrypt plugin


Flask-Security is an opinionated Flask extension which adds basic security and authentication features to your Flask apps quickly and easily. Flask-Social can also be used to add “social” or OAuth login and connection management.

Flask-Security allows you to quickly add common security mechanisms to your Flask application. They include:

  1. Session based authentication
  2. Role management
  3. Password hashing
  4. Basic HTTP authentication
  5. Token based authentication
  6. Token based account activation (optional)
  7. Token based password recovery / resetting (optional)
  8. User registration (optional)
  9. Login tracking (optional)
  10. JSON/Ajax Support