Let’s talk about 14 characteristics, 10 stages, and where you are….

Published: July 1, 2019


1) Lawrence Britt: 14 Characteristics

2) Umberto Eco’s:  2003 article



well howdy there internet people let’s
bow again so tonight we’re going to talk
about 14 characteristics and ten stages
if you know where this is going to stick
around you’re gonna find out something
you don’t know at the end so I’m gonna
list 14 characteristics of a certain
kind of government give you examples of
the ones that aren’t plainly obvious and
then we’re going to talk about something
so those fourteen characteristics first
of which is powerful and continuing
displays of nationalism you know picture
flags on everything very patriotic
slogans Trump hugging the flag the next
is a disdain for human rights that
should be plainly obvious you know
support of torture black sites
concentration camps that sort of thing
identifying enemies and scapegoats us
and them those Muslims those those
illegals we got enough of the bad people
are right the others supremacy of the
military in these regimes even if there
are widespread problems at home the
military receives a ridiculous portion
of the budget like here rampant sexism
that one should be obvious grabber by
the she’s a good pizza yeah she was
pretty obvious the other thing that’s
interesting is that in this category
also is included discrimination against
gays and opposition to abortion seems
cooler along the nose doesn’t it just
see you know this was written in 2003
it wasn’t tailor-made for Trump it just
seems like it is control of the mass
media is really important to these kinds
of regimes maybe suggesting that there’s
a state-run news outlet to counter all
the fake news
there’s a an obsession with national
security and this is more about
governing through fear we’ve got to tell
you who to be afraid of so we can tell
you we’re gonna protect you from them
and you’ll give us your rights in order
to do that it’s what it’s about the
blending of religion and government now
this is really just innately American
there’s always been religious rhetoric
in government since very early on very
early on the one ripe I have with this
list is it says that corporate power is
protected whereas most other experts on
this subject would say that corporate
power and government are blended not
just protected and this would be you
know the privatization of government
functions like prisons detainment
facilities contracting along the border
these kinds of things and an obsession
with the corporate well-being of
entities within the country labor
suppression now that one’s a little a
little more obscure but let’s just say
in the u.s. there are two agencies that
deal with unions one regulates the
unions and make sure that they’re not
doing anything wrong the other regulates
the companies that have unions one of
these had their budgets slashed the one
that regulates the companies the other
had their budget increase the one that
regulates the unions a disdain for
intellectuals in the arts I love
uneducated voters an obsession with
crime and punishment I’ll pardon those
people that do stuff wrong because you
want to punish those you feel that are
doing something illegal and it extends
to creating a situation where the police
can get away with anything bang their
head you don’t have to treat them too
Koni ISM and corruption I’m fairly
certain that nepotism would fall under
that or using government funds to go to
your own hotels and then the last one is
fraudulent elections see the most recent
Supreme Court case most of the time this
is accomplished through judicial review
and gerrymandering these are the
fourteen characteristics of fascism you
are here to those that are saying well
that doesn’t sound so bad there’s never
been a fascist regime in history that
did not go through these ten stages the
first of which is classification that’s
where you divide them up us and them
good guys and bad guys
the next is symbolization where we
define them by other terms you know not
people but illegals maybe come up with
other terms to use them for and we
create a mascot form a boogeyman to
scare everybody with like ms-13 next is
discrimination and that is where we
start to deny the rights now
historically this is done through
legislation in the u.s. we’re just
saying oh they don’t have them because
they’re illegal but they do
constitutionally that precedent has been
set for a very very very long time
the next is dehumanization and you know
that’s where they become animals and
disease carriers why we’ve got to check
them at the border right because they’re
all just dirty brown people so really on
the nose isn’t it the next stage is
organization and that’s where the
militias start to pop up and you see a
lot of replacements in government
positions shaking things up and there’s
a cuttin a lot of times it’s a
decentralized network that pulls this
stuff together
then there’s polarization and that’s
where you have hate groups start to
and become very vocal and they
mainstream these ideas
don’t worry though there’s nice people
on both sides then we get to preparation
and this is more mental preparation of
you where they start using terms like
purifying the nation mass removal well
they won’t assimilate they’re not really
part of us are a we’ve got to do
something about and then we get to
persecution and that’s concentration
camps that’s when those show up you are
here the next step the next stage is
extermination the stage after that is
denial yeah that’s that’s where crap
we’re really close and right now there’s
people saying you know we’re not going
to commit genocide that’s ridiculous
mm-hmm maybe but genocide like the term
ethnic cleansing is misunderstood in the
United States genocide doesn’t just mean
mass killings it’s not what it means
like ethnic cleansing and genocide are
not interchangeable terms
aetna cleansing could be renaming street
signs if at the end of World War two
when we had control of Berlin we renamed
all the roads after us generals that
would be ethnic cleansing that there’s
the common usage and then there’s the
legal term under the legal term of
genocide there are five components five
things that qualify one is the forcible
transfer of children to another group
that one’s already happening not just
their adoption but in a truly American
twist we’re taking them and putting them
into facilities where because of the
cronyism our friends are making money
that one’s already happening the next
one is to prevent births from that
target group because you know we got to
get rid of those anchor babies right
already happening deliberately
inflicting poor conditions on that group
and in hopes of destroying them in part
such as well you know they don’t need
soap toothbrushes or beds food already
happening doing things to intentionally
cause them physical and mental harm
child separation the conditions in these
camps already happening in fact the only
one that isn’t happening under the the
legal definition the genocide is mass
killings that’s it you are here
it’s a little sobering but it’s
something that I think we really need to
pay attention to you have all of these
these lists that have been around a long
long time and we’re matching them up
almost like we’re following them like a
blueprint and nobody wants to dare call
it what it is
I don’t normally at the end of my videos
I don’t normally say hey share this
share this one there there are people
that need to understand this they need
to understand where we’re at because
very soon they’re gonna have their have
to make a choice are they gonna double
down on their mistake or are they gonna
attempt to correct it are they gonna
speak out anyway it’s just a fault
y’all have a good night

Let’s talk about Flynn and comments….

Published: Nov 15, 2021


Michael Flynn: If we’re going to have One Nation Under God (which we must), We need ONE RELIGION.


Lawrence Britt: 14 Characteristics

The 10 tactics of fascism | Jason Stanley | Big Think

Fascism is a cult of the leader, who promises national restoration in the face of supposed humiliation by immigrants, leftists, liberals, minorities, homosexuals, women, in the face of what the fascist leader says is a takeover of the country’s media, cultural institutions, schools by these forces.

Fascist movements typically, though not invariably, rest on an urban/rural divide. The cities are where there’s decadence, where the elites congregate, where there’s immigrants, and where there’s criminality.

Each of these individuals alone is not in and of itself fascist, but you have to worry when they’re all grouped together, seeing the other as less than. Those moments are the times when societies need to worry about fascism.

Read the video transcript: https://bigthink.com/videos/what-is-f…


Loyalty to the dominant group means law-abidingness.
And the minority group is by its nature not law-abiding.
Law and order in fascist politics means the members
of a minority group who accept their subservient role,
they’re law-abiding,
and the members of the dominant group
by their very nature are law-abiding.
By definition, the leader can’t violate law and order.
So law and order doesn’t mean justice.
Law and order doesn’t mean equality.
Law and order structures who’s legitimate and who’s not.
Everywhere around the world,
no matter what the situation is,
in very different socioeconomic conditions,
the fascist leader comes and tells you,
“Your women and children are under threat.
You need a strong man to protect your families.”
They make conservatives hysterically afraid
of transgender rights or homosexuality,
other ways of living.
These are not people trying to live their own lives.
They’re trying to destroy your life,
and they’re coming after your children.
What the fascist politician does is they take conservatives
who aren’t fascist at all, and they say,
“Look, I know you might not like my ways.
You might think I’m a womanizer.
You might think I’m violent in my rhetoric.
But you need someone like me now.
You need someone like me ’cause homosexuality,
it isn’t just trying for equality.
It’s coming after your family.”
Fascist movements typically, though not invariably,
rest on an urban/rural divide.
The cities are where there’s decadence,
where the elites congregate, where there’s immigrants,
there’s criminality, there’s Sodom and Gomorrah.
In the city, there’s not real work.
The pure, hard-working, real members of the nation live
in the rural areas, where they work hard with their hands.
When our politicians talk about inner-city voters
or urban voters, we all know what they mean.
Arbeit macht frei, “Work shall make you free.”
This was written on the gates of Auschwitz.
The idea is that the minority group, they’re lazy,
and they need to be made to work.
Free labor.
The minority group and the leftists,
they’re lazy by their nature,
and it gives them a work ethic.
Labor unions are run by communists
who are trying to make things easier.
Hard work is a virtue.
In liberal democracy,
we don’t value people by how hard they work.
What would happen to disabled people who can’t work?
They would then have no value.
It’s why the Nazis had the T4 program to murder the disabled
because the disabled were Lebenunwertes Leben,
life unworthy of life,
because to be valued was to be capable of hard work.
Each of these individual elements is not
in and of itself fascist,
but you have to worry when they’re all grouped together,
when honest conservatives are lured into fascism
by people who tell them, “Look, it’s an existential fight.
I know you don’t accept everything we do.
You don’t accept every doctrine.
But your family is under threat.
Your family is at risk.
So without us, you’re in peril.”
Those moments are the times
when we need to worry about fascism.

14 Characteristics of Fascism-“Lite” in the US

Published: Nov 8, 2020


Lawrence Britt: 14 Characteristics

Umberto Eco’s:  2003 article


well howdy there internet people it’s
beau again
so today we’re gonna talk about a
question i got um
because it kind of threw me through a
loop pretty thought provoking
actually when you really get down to it
um it was about systems of government
and it was trying to determine
if there was a uh
a comparable system to social democracy
on the other side and basically
the idea of the question was i
understand that social
democracy is kind of a blend of
socialism and capitalism it’s socialism
is there something on the other side is
there something in the right wing
that is a blend
between normal capitalism normal western
governments as we know it
and fascism
leads to an interesting place so
we’ve got our list the one we’ve been
using on this channel which is
uh put out by lawrence britt i think is
his name 14 characteristics
of fascism to be clear i use this one
it is it tends to speak to americans
it’s more practical there are other
that break down the characteristics
there’s one by umberto echo
but this is more practical rather than
so it’s the one that i tend to use if
you really want to get into the subject
you might want to look at the others too
okay so the first one is powerful and
nationalism now if you’re looking at a
version you would just kind of lighten
it up so maybe you don’t have
the marches and parades all the time
but you have like flags everywhere
so much so that it kind of loses meaning
becomes more like a bumper sticker a
sports team logo
than a display of the nation
it’s something that everybody feels is
symbol disdain for the recognition of
human rights
so you want to lighten it up maybe it’s
not overt
you know maybe it’s not legislated that
people don’t have human rights
however if you know somebody that’s
accused of a crime gets roughed up a
little bit
nobody’s going to cry over it you know
in this case it’s going to be more de
facto it’s going to be stuff that
just happens rather than it being
identification of enemies and scapegoats
is a unifying cause
now when you’re talking about the overt
version of this it’s
typically an internal enemy
that they get scapegoated if
it’s a light version it would probably
be external
you know well the ones of that group
that are inside the country
they’re different they’re okay but we’re
gonna all rally around the idea
that those on the other side of the line
on the map they’re bad
supremacy of the military so in a light
version you could imagine that
rather than it just basically having
control of the entire government
it uh it
maybe has a place of honor that is
you know really revered and probably
gets the biggest share of the budget
rampant sexism again this would be
something that’s a de facto
it’s a male-dominated society but
there’s not legislation
that backs up a whole lot of it it’s
the way it is because tradition
is also a characteristic that uh
goes along with this system but that
gets into the philosophical list
controlled mass media so
rather than it being overt and
the government just basically telling
the news organizations what to say
maybe it’s just more collusion maybe
it’s more of the media
parroting the government talking points
so they can get access
and so everybody’s on the same page
again it’s just de facto it’s just the
way it is in practice
rather than something that’s
obsession with national security
in regimes like this i don’t think you
would find
um a light version i think you would
still have a maze
of agencies that were devoted to
national security and anytime the
government needed something done
that’s the card they would pull because
they would have that
that reverence for the military already
so they’d be able to gain compliance
from the population by kind of pulling
that card
we need to do this so we don’t have to
send our troops over there
we just need you to comply and do what
we ask it’s going to keep you safe
religion and government are intertwined
again they’re going to want to keep up
the facade
of some form of liberal democrat
so it probably wouldn’t be legislation
it wouldn’t be institutionalized
but there would be like little rituals
to show that you were on the right team
maybe you
swear in on a holy text when you take
you know there’d be little things that
you would do to demonstrate that
you were one of the good guys you were
part of the club
corporate power is protected and that’s
one of the ones on this list that i
really object to
in the overt form it’s not protected
it’s blended
the government has a lot of control
direct control
of corporate power in that system
if you’re just talking about corporate
power being protected it’s what you have
in the united states
i mean that that’s what it is the the
government looks out for corporate
interest for the sake of the economy
and that’s how it gets framed but it’s
also for their own personal benefit
labor power is suppressed it probably
wouldn’t be as brutal
as you find in the over regimes it would
be more
legislation that just undermines
collective bargaining
makes it harder to unionize and just
undercuts the rights of the worker
disdain for intellectuals in the arts
so it probably wouldn’t be open
it would just be
something that they didn’t encourage
maybe they don’t fund art
in school they don’t teach the
appreciation of it
and they don’t encourage the youth to be
intellectual so it just goes by the
wayside on itself
all all by itself there’s no reason for
the government to
push against it too hard they’re just
going to let it fade out
obsession with crime and punishment so
you’d probably have a huge prison
population in a regime
operating under a blend like this
rampant cronyism and corruption
so what you’d have is like no bid
you’d have government officials giving
jobs and construction contracts to their
cousins and stuff like that
that’s what you’d find again it wouldn’t
be overt
the last one is fraudulent elections you
probably wouldn’t see any of this
not much because they’d want to keep up
the facade
that it isn’t one of those regimes
so it would just be controlled in a
different manner
perhaps the major parties
would keep everything in house
and really only give you a couple
but they’d want to keep that one at
least the appearance
of legitimate elections
sounds really familiar doesn’t it
yeah if you want to know what fascism
light looks like
look out the window the united states
is the blend
um that’s one of the reasons it’s so
important that we watch
for the creep towards the overt
real thing because we’re already really
close to it
we’ve talked about it before on this
channel even our
left wing party in the united states
is center right because the country is
that far right to begin with
if you’re talking about a blend between
and the idea of western liberal
it’s the us
that that’s where we’re at already we
wouldn’t need to go anywhere
it already exists um
again i think it’s an interesting little
thought exercise and something i’d never
thought of before
nobody’s ever asked um that’s probably
one of the biggest
dangers to the united states as a whole
is the creep that direction further and
further right
to an authoritarian rule
especially when it’s done slowly
and it’s this soft form of it that we
don’t even realize is there so much so
that we don’t even think about it
because it’s just
the way it is it’s just tradition it’s
de facto
anyway it’s just a thought y’all have a
good day