Stephen Harper on the Success of Healthcare (Brian Lehr)

(16 min)

Healthcare policy is problematic because of the success of the medical profession in developing so many treatments.


Stephen J. Harper, economist, entrepreneur, former G-7 leader who served as Canada’s 22nd Prime Minister, and the author of Right Here, Right Now: Politics and Leadership in the Age of Disruption(Signal, 2018), examines the global trends and the legitimate concerns of voters that led to the election of President Trump.


Pussy Riot’s Rules for Revolution

A founding member of the punk/art protest group Pussy Riot draws on her life of activism and offers her “rules for revolution.” Oct 22, 2018

Similarities between Trump and Putin

They  talk about retrieving past glory but they do not really think much about history or ideology.

They do not care about ideology.

They only care about money and power.

The would choose any political system to build and maintain their power.