This is the right amount of bitcoin to keep in an investment portfolio

  • Price volatility notwithstanding, virtual currency is here to stay, said Ric Edelman, founder of Edelman Financial Engines.
  • Allocating 1% of a portfolio toward bitcoin could give exposure to this asset class without damaging finances, Edelman said.
  • At its zenith on Dec. 15, 2017, one bitcoin was worth close to $20,000. The price is currently around $9,300.
  • If you can’t beat the crypto crowd, it might be time to join them, experts say.

    Virtual currency and its underlying technology, blockchain, are here to stay – and that means both will play some role in investors’ lives.

    “It’s actually very hard to decouple blockchain and bitcoin,” said Sunayna Tuteja, head of digital assets and distributed ledger technology (DLT) at TD Ameritrade.

    She spoke at the TD Ameritrade LINC conference in Orlando, Florida, on Wednesday.

    “On the one end, how do we commercialize the value of DLT and blockchain to bring more innovation to traditional markets?” Tuteja asked. “On the other end of the spectrum: How do you tap into this nascent asset class?”

Op-ed: Small amounts of bitcoin can have a positive impact on your portfolio

  • As more investors eye cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, it’s key to keep in mind that many asset classes once thought too volatile for average investors are now common.
  • Some recent research finds small weightings of bitcoin have an outsized positive impact on risk-adjusted returns and diversification relative to other alternative assets.

    When a financial advisor discusses the appropriate asset allocation for a portfolio, they are essentially trying to construct a plan that maximizes expected returns based on a given level of risk.

    The advisor pays less attention to the behavior of an individual security and instead focuses on how different asset classes work together as a group.

    So, what is bitcoin’s role in an investment portfolio and does it make sense to incorporate it?

    Conventional wisdom suggests that while bitcoin has delivered great returns, it will add substantial risk to a traditional stock/bond portfolio.

    With that said, it’s important to remember that many asset classes that are now commonplace in a portfolio were at some point considered far too volatile for the average investor. We don’t give it a second thought to include emerging markets or technology stocks into an allocation today, and yet there was a time when the pundits believed they were far too risky.

    Their concerns were justified.

    Since the 1988 inception of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index, there have been seven drops of 25% or more. Moreover, Nasdaq stocks collapsed by 79% during the dot-com bust as technology companies fell at a stunning pace.

    Nevertheless, they both rebounded and paid off handsomely when included in a diversified portfolio that considers time horizon and risk tolerance.

    It seems that the same arguments have been made about digital assets, even as a long-term study by VanEck found that bitcoin had exhibited lower volatility than 112 stocks of the S&P 500 in a 90-day period and 145 stocks year-to-date as of Nov. 13, 2020.

Is Bitcoin Controlled By The Rich And Powerful?

In this video, I discuss whether Bitcoin is controlled by the rich and powerful. Contrary to popular opinion, holdings of Bitcoin are not as concentrated as widely believed: the addresses that hold hundreds of thousands of Bitcoin are mostly just the cold wallets of large crypto exchanges like Binance and Bitfinex. The collapse of the New York Agreement (where a bunch of Bitcoin miners and influential Bitcoin companies tried to push through a protocol change but failed) demonstrates that Bitcoin is controlled by the full nodes, rather than the rich and powerful. Finally, Bitcoin whales may be able to manipulate the short-term price of Bitcoin, but they are unable to affect its long-term value. Any crashes caused by Bitcoin whale manipulation are opportunities for hodlers to buy the dip. Bitcoin is the first instance in history of the retail investor entering an asset first, and getting in ahead of Wall Street. No matter how rich and powerful you are, you cannot change Bitcoin or make it bend to your will. Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor.

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HODL waves:

Number of addresses holding at least X BTC:…

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Map of full nodes:

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How to critique Bitcoin: a guide: Now with dice

You’re a Nobel prize-winning economist, or a tenured professor at a prestigious university. Maybe you run a deep value hedge fund. Perhaps you write a popular column on markets. You might be a central banker or a finance minister. You feel that your experience and your credentials grant you a thorough understanding of the world.

You wear dark suits (or, on a casual occasions, Patagonia vests), glide through airports with TSA pre, global entry, and lounge access, you wear round tortoiseshell spectacles, and you most likely live in a brownstone in Brooklyn. If you’re technologically-minded, you like the underlying blockchain technology, although you’re not entirely sure what that means. You have no trouble broadcasting your thoughts to the world — in fact, you are considered a trusted source of analysis on pressing issues of the day. You have opinions, and the masses ought — hell, they should be grateful — to hear them.

You’ve heard of Bitcoin. You do not like it. It’s rat poison, a ponzi scheme, and it’s boiling the oceans with its energy usage. It’s run by an uncouth federation of, presumably, alt-right-ers, or at the very least, ideological undesirables of some sort. It relies on curious, antiquated ideas like sound money, peer-to-peer networking, the abolition of seignorage, and censorship-resistance. It is profoundly distasteful.

You want to write a thinkpiece about Bitcoin.

Aha! You identify some core hypocrisy associated with the cyber coin. You read in the New Yorker that Bitcoin doesn’t actually support that many transactions. How could the damn thing be a world currency, at all? You vaguely remember some jargon about block sizes and TPS. You toy with the idea of looking up some usage stats. Better not. You have thinkpiecing to do.

Maybe you will target Bitcoin’s use for illegitimate purposes. You’re very comfortable with your financial life on SWIFT, ACH, and Paypal (if you’re feeling edgy). You couldn’t possibly conceive of a case in which you’d to transact outside of this regulated aegis. If you’ve got nothing to hide, why would you need privacy, after all, you muse to yourself. You recall reading a piece in the Guardian about Bitcoin usage in Venezuela due to hyperinflation. You dismiss the thought from your brain. Venezuela wasn’t real socialism, after allYou ask Alexa to pop on Maroon 5 and get back to your draft on google docs.

There’s so much ground to cover. Where to start?

A solution

I humbly propose instead:

The Bitcoin spin device

These dice will make those Sunday afternoons spent toiling over Op-Eds so much easier. Just roll these twelve-sided dice several times and transcribe the answers. Simply regurgitate the talking points. You are essentially a random number generator for Bitcoin critiques, so why not outsource yourself entirely?

Do the 2018 thing. Reduce the task to its essence. Automate your punditry. I’ve carefully included the most popular and sophisticated objections to Bitcoin, completely saving you the trouble. These dice represent the platonic ideal of criticism — anything else is garnish.

Thought-free thinkpieces at your fingertips

I’ve included a handy guide so you can easily parse the various objections to Bitcoin.

  • 21m cap: as you know, there will only ever be 21,000,000 Bitcoins minted. You skimmed a recap of some paper and you’re now very concerned about the long term viability of the Bitcoin security model as block rewards shift to a fee-subsidy model after the next halving.
  • Deflation: if Bitcoin were to become a dominant global currency, its capped supply might end up having deflationary effects. You know that your benevolent central bankers target two percent inflation to encourage people to spend and consume. You see no problem with that. You like spending and consuming.
  • Dev. incentives: ICOs (initial coin offerings) offered software developers the chance to write open source software and get handsomely paid for it, too. Bitcoin is disturbingly meritocratic, and doesn’t pay its developers anything. You don’t understand why anyone would work if they weren’t getting paid. Bitcoin devs wouldn’t just do it out of the goodness of their hearts, would they?
  • Energy waste: Bitcoin uses heaps of energy to secure the monetary system and retain the integrity of its ledger in a trust-minimized way. The US-driven fiat money regime relies on aircraft carriers and nuclear arsenals instead. You find the latter much more elegant. Its tangibility is comforting.
  • Small blocks: for a while, Bitcoin capped its block size at one megabyte (now it’s effectively 2.3 mb). You think the system should attempt to scale right away, rather than being built in a layered manner — consequences be damned.
  • Volatile: as an emerging virtual commodity, Bitcoin is extremely volatile. You think that risk in markets should be abolished, or at least suppressed through endless monetary expansion.
  • No Turing (completeness): Bitcoin isn’t capable of supporting arbitrary computation, unlike competitors like Ethereum. That makes Bitcoin more conservative and less expressive at the base layer. You think developers should be free to experiment with billions of stored wealth.
  • High fees: due to the capped throughput, Bitcoin has a market for block space. In times of congestion, users can pay a premium for higher-priority transactions. You dislike fees and would prefer immediate, global scaling — again, with no thought to the long term sustainability of the system.
  • Selfish mining: you may have heard about this potential edge case in Bitcoin mining, and have decided that the Proof-of-Work consensus system is a write-off, despite ten years of reliable functionality. If you really want to impress your friends, dredge up this exotic line of attack.
  • No KYC: Bitcoin is a permissionless system that anyone on earth can use to store or send their wealth. You don’t like the idea of free flow of money or untamperable wealth. You believe in capital controls and the USDA food pyramid. You prefer your steaks well done, and your money under the watchful gaze of the government.
  • Toxic fans: style is far more important than substance. Maintaining decorum in an argument matters far more than being right. Bitcoiners like to rudely call out ICO scammers and fiat-gorging central bankers alike. That’s not very nice. And nice makes right.

So there you have it. You are now free to launch somewhat erudite critiques of Bitcoin without learning about the system at all! If you want, you could even devise an encoding scheme for the dice, so you don’t even have to bother typing out the objections in full. Your next NYTimes column could simply read “4–11–5–6” and your readers will nod in understanding — Bitcoin will fail due to the energy waste, the toxic fans, the small blocks, and the volatility!

The dice are real. You can buy them today on Bitcoin’s lightning network at Quinsolo for 0.001 BTC (~$3). Cast those dice with confidence, fiat-inflationists.

When he’s not selling novelty dice, Nic is the co-creator of and a partner at Castle Island Ventures.