Tucker Carlson Finally Confronted About Fox News Vaccine Mandate

Fox News propagandist Tucker Carlson is finally confronted about Fox News’ own vaccine mandate



Veterans exposed to ‘burn pits’ struggle to get benefits approved by the VA

Tens of thousands of U.S. Veterans who served in Afghanistan and Iraq are sick — many say due to the military’s trash “burn pits.” Veterans have had to fight to get their illnesses recognized as linked to their service and smoke exposure — a critical step to qualify for medical and disability benefits. Congress is considering legislation to change all that. John Yang and Dan Sagalyn report.

The Economics of Climate Change

Professor Steve Keen explains how mainstream economics is driving the climate disaster

Professor Steve Keen was one of the few economists to realise that a serious economic crisis was imminent in 2005. He publicly warned the world, and helped his native Australia navigate the 2008 crash without the major repercussions that crippled markets everywhere else.

He is now working on a new model of economics for a post-crash world. He joined me today to discuss why and how capitalism needs to be constrained, the economics of climate change and what mainstream economists and academics are getting wrong—to the detriment of us all.


Listen here or catch it on Apple or Spotify. Enjoy!

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