The US Military’s Shady Recruitment Practices

The US military has come under fire recently for a new, aggressive recruitment campaign aimed at enticing Gen Z to enlist. In this episode, we’ll take a look at some of the more predatory practices in this new propaganda campaign and discuss why it’s happening. The US Military’s Shady Recruitment Practices – Second Thought

The U.S. Has Overthrown Governments for 100 Years: A Compelling and Provocative History (2006)

Stephen Kinzer (born August 4, 1951) is an American author, journalist and academic. He was a New York Times correspondent, has published several books, and currently writes for several newspapers and news agencies.

Kinzer’s reporting on Central America was criticized by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky in their 1988 book Manufacturing Consent, which cited Chomsky in his previous interview by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting describing Kinzer as:

“…like an errand boy, building up those stories that fit in with Reagan’s agenda – one day it’s the church, the next day it’s the Miskitos, then the private sector. In the last two weeks I’ve seen eight articles by Kinzer that say exactly what the White House wants. Kinzer always raises questions about Sandinista intentions, whether they’re truly democratic, and so on. When you analyse his articles you see he’s just responding what the White House is saying.”