How to Configure SSL for Amazon S3 bucket

Yes, SSL works out of the box but you can’t use a custom domain name, you need to use the domain name. The reason is that to use a custom CNAME would require a custom SSL Certificate to be registered and served up by Amazon S3 and they currently don’t allow you to do this.

You should be able to access your files via SSL Like this:

If you want to use a pretty domain name from SSL over S3 I’m afraid you’re out of luck. Its just something we have to live with for the time being unfortunately.

Here’s a thread on Amazon Support forums discussing custom SSL Certificates:

Amazon S3: is it possible to set HTTP expires headers *on access*?

in Apache’s mod_expires module (which allows you to set the Expires: header behavior), you can set a relative expiration header based on the access time of the file, eg,

ExpiresDefault “access plus 1 years”

.. The Cache-Control: max-age directive provides exactly what you’re asking for. For example:

Cache-Control: max-age=1314000

Tells CloudFront (and browsers) that they can cache the object for one year from the time it was originally fetched from the origin. We recommend that publishers set Cache-Control instead of Expires. Is there a reason you need Expires?